Back on air in the UK.

Profile picture for user Thegreenbaker

Hello Everyone :)


I am FINALLY back on air and back to baking. The past 4 months have been horrid, and now that I am in my new home in England, and have my ingredients in my cupboard, I am ready to pick up wher eI left off :)


I am loving England by the way. I am home and never EVER want to leave :D


What is down stairs awaiting a fold you ask?  Wholemeal & Oat currant loaf.

I'm hanging for some nice rustic bread and am looking to begin a Ciabatta, Semolina loaf and try my hand at a Stollon.

Havent had a chance to reacquaint myself with my beloved BBA, but I think that is a pleasure for tonight :)


I am soooo happy to be back, and I hope EVERYONE is well.


Happy holiday season! 

We are in the same situation. Congratulations on finally getting settled!






lol, no, on air as in back online and back on the fresh oaf! I have missed everyone here and the wonderful recipes and charing of a passion :)


Thanks browndog. It is a happy leap if not a daunting one. From Oz to the



Forgive me for teasing, greenbaker, but that's one of the more charming misprints I've noticed in a while.