cancer council fundraiser

Profile picture for user yozzause

The other week I mentioned the fact that we were having a fund raiser for the Cancer Council under the Australia's Biggest Morning Tea whereby you host a morning tea and raise some money for the Cancer Council.

At work the team from student services had arranged a function at another campus where they were going to have a morning tea and cup cakes, i suggested we hold one at our campus and voulunteered to make cinnamon scrolls for the morning tea. With permission granted from the relevant  managers it was just a matter of coming in early that day, 3.00am start instead of the usual 7.45 or should I say prior to my 7.45 start.

I had a voulunteer to get out of a warm bed to assist in production , it was really good because Michael is the Hospitality technician and had all the keys for all the doors.

So on the designated May morning i awoke before the alarm (funny i always seem to be able to do that)  so off to the workplace  just after 2.40, i do live nice and close, i was let in by one of the cleaning ladies who got a little bit of a fright when i looked through the window. Michael arrived soon after  and we got stuck in, the first dough was soon made which was a 5kg timed dough for about 90minutes bulk fermentation. Immediately followed by a second 5kg dough  with a little less yeast for an estimated 2 hour bulk fermentaion.Then thirdly we made an instant 2.5kg dough with no fruit as we were told that some people dont like fruit, and we wanted to cater for everyone that would come along.

The instant dough was scaled and preshaped and given a short rest on the bench whilst we enjoyed a coffee. from then on it was me rolling out the 1.2kg dough pieces  washing and applying the cinnamon sugar and rolling up with Michael cutting the logs into 12 x 100g divisions and placing on the trays and into the prover.

The first timed dough was now ready and we followed the  previous pattern, we were hitting our straps.  We soon had the proover full so we utilised the secon Unox oven as a proover as it could be set very low, the first lot of scrolls soon were ready for the oven,  time for another quick coffee and prepare the bun wash.

The first batch were out and washed the second batch were proving nicely, however we were going to need the second oven, fotunately these heat up at the rate of a degree per second  so in less that 4 minutes were good to go.

The second timed dough was now ready for  turning into buns  same process me shaping and Michael cutting.

any way we finished up with 21 dozen scrolls  all ready for morning tea and me showered and  back behind my  desk  for my normal duties.

The girls from student services did the rest so at morning tea time we made our way back to the training restaurant for a cuppa and a fresh buttered cinnamon scroll with a raffle ticket and cancer council merchandise and all for a gold coin donation. By the end of the day over $600 was raised for a most worthy cause, which i was very pleased to have been able to help with.  

       Michael washing the scrolls straight from the oven


Pleased with the mornings effort

Those look delicious and who can argue with baking for a good cause.  Cancer seems to have the upper hand at the moment, so we'll all have to help beat it back with a really big stick(y bun).

Thanks grind

The cause is certainly worth while one and the hospitality section lost their technician to a melanoma that just appeared as mole like growth behind his ear and progressed rapidly  and took his life as a 50 odd year old man with lots still to live for and is sadly missed!

What a nice ending to all of your work.  The rolls look lovely and 'the baker' looks well pleased :)

Thanks for the update.


thanks Janet it was a great day with everyone enjoying the buns as some of the best that they had ever tasted.and i think you are right the baker looks pretty chuffed with the work. the buns had  the 0.25%  Tumeric added for the yellow colour of the cancer  council.

Beautiful looking Cinammon scrolls, Derek. I applaud your noble efforts, especially the early start ;)


Nice work Derek, the rolls look great and are a wonderful contribution on your part to help out a cause that has touched many of our families over the years.

All the best,


thanks guy it was just like the old days getting up early and going to work,

I was recalling the days when i would have to cyle to work for a 2.00am start and the street lights would be turned off at 1.30am, i was stopped once by the police who must have thought i was cyling in my underwear rather than my bakery white shorts and tee shirt. ah they were the days, dont miss them one little bit!

kind regards  Yozza 

for cinnamon rolls and I think ....I am not alone.  Thanks for getting up early and baking for such a good cause.  I'm sure that they blew off the shelves adn tasted great .....Very nice baking indeed.


i did get to taste a couple at morning tea and they were really good most people thought the best they had ever had.i saw one guy come back three times whilst i was there. With the addition of eggs, milk powder, butter  and malt its not suprising they were better than you get at the shop.It is quite funny though when people compliment you with as good as you can get at the shop!  

Regards Yozza