Hi everyone,
For the last couple days I have been able to see RSS feed posts, but when I select Read More there is a blank white page. I assumed it was because I was not officially logged in. But today I have a bread question (now I have two questions?!). Is anyone else having trouble viewing posts, replies, images, etc...somehow able to log in. I don't know who will read this, or where it will go, or if I can see your replies...but what's going on?
Bread question, my sourdough rye dough seemed really dry/tough when I went to fold it so I misted it with water in between the folding. Will it be okay? Has anyone ever done that? Will it absorb or trap and turn to goo?
thank you
No known issues like that at the moment. I just pulled the rss feed up in a Firefox install that I am not logged into and it worked as expected. All links that I could find clicked through OK too.
Thank you for looking at this so quickly. Its working for me now, let my husband know how much trouble I was having too, whatever he did fixed it.
If I may jump on this thread and ask a question - in the "old" format I could click on my own name and see all threads I commented on. Is this feature gone? Just wondering how can I retrieve something from the past
I'm really not sure on that "old feature", didn't know that was an option. I just clicked on my name and it brought me to a page where I can update my own profile information, but there are some other tabs too, like the Track tab. That displayed posts, maybe thats what you're looking for.
... in the "track"tab
thank you!!!!