Bouchon Bakery - Master Recipe: Baguette Dough for Batards

Profile picture for user MANNA

Im back. Last night I started the Master Recipe: Baguette Dough for Batards. I made the poolish and let it sit in the oven overnight with the light on. I mixed up the dough this morning and have been letting it bulk ferment. I mixed mine up in the Electrolux Verona and have done some folds on it. I just turned it out and eyeballed splitting it in half. FYI this is a double batch to make two big boules and not batards. Heres why, I will eventually buy (budgeting) some lava rock and cheap pan to try their steam method intill then Im going to use my tried and true cast iron double cooker (Tartine). So here is a pic of the dough resting after dividing and a shrt preshape. Tension looks good and some small bubbles on the surface are visible. I will fold these in awhile and place them in brotforms to final proof. Then bake in the CI double cooker. See you in a-few.

Nice pic, suitable for hanging in the Louvre!  And that trick of placing the scraper parallel with the shadows was nice.

Looking forward to more.

Bread all baked. Came out very good. Its a 73% hydration loaf. I ran into problems getting them out of the brotforms. I didnt use enough flour and they stuck. I got them out and ito the oven with minimal damage. I didnt time the bake. I just took the top off the CI-cooker after about 15 min. Once the loafs started to brown all over I removed them fron the bottom half of the CI-cooker and placed them on the oven rack to finish cooking. Flavor is good, what you would expect from a bread made with poolish. Crumb has some nice holes. I handled it moderatly so I didnt deflate it to much. Overall your standard bread recipe. One more thing, I baked this bread at 475 derees F. I wanted to get a nice crust without drying the crumb to much. I do so enjoy a nice crusty loaf of bread with a chewy crumb.

both the loaves and the photos !

Well done !


and out.  That's some fine baking Manna!  I hope they taste as good as thay look.

Happy baking


Taste is good. I will just have to make sure to flour them more or use rice flour next time to ensure they release from the brotformes cleanly. They did get mis-shapen a bit due to the sticking.

You are a brave soul to be doing all this bread baking on your own.  And now to be asking such good questions.  I have some advice you have maybe read from me before:  follow the advice of an expert.  If you cannot take a course at a cooking school, work from a textbook.  That's what professionals do.  You can do that, too, by buying a textbook online and working your way through it.  Otherwise, you're wandering around doing the best that you can.  I STRONGLY recommend finding a text you like and dedicating a year to it, doing all the exercises, answering all the questions.  Pretty soon you'll know more than you do already.

Look at these two:  DiMuzio's Bread Baking and Hamelman's Bread.  They're different from each other.  I wish I'd had the DiMuzio text when I started out.  Hamelman would have put me off.  Others really like it, though, so don't take my advice.  You maybe can find them both in your local library system.  Both are available used at Alibris or Powell's usually.

Remember that until you have a solid base of information you won't know whose answers on this website are worth reading.  Educate yourself!

I also recommend that you stop whatever you're doing and watch all the video's linked at the top of this page.  Then go back to the ones you need later.

And do all the exercises, especially in DiMuzio, if that's the one your choose.