I make Julia Child's white sandwich bread. It's wonderful. Sometimes when I bake it, it tears. This doesn't change the taste or texture but it's ugle. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
I fold it three times. I don't think this is the problem, because sometimes it doesn't tear. Am I letting it rise too much maybe? Also, is there a way to get rid of the air pocket in the middle?
Can it rise too long on the first rise? Or is it only the second rise that matters? It's suppose to rise for 45 minutes and it happens much quicker than that. I usually pop it in the over after 25-30 minutes.
Now my Italian bread is ripping. This has never happened before. This yeast is at least 2 years old. It doesn't get stronger with age does it? Could it possibly be my kneading or folding? Maybe I am not kneading long enough?
Try kneading and handling with wet hands to keep your dough hydrated. Cover well to prevent drying out. Or let dough rise under a damp wrung out towel. Can easily be a problem in winter.
THANK YOU! I am sure this must be the problem. I have been using a new bowl which is very large and I have to use a couple strips of plastic wrap, which won't adhere to the bowl. So I started using a dry towel to cover instead. Clearly this is causing it to dry out and the problem has only occured since I've started using this bowl(my older bowl broke). It seems so simple and obvious now. Thank you for helping.
or too tight a dough or maybe your flour is too rigid? I have a flour that whenever I give the dough one fold in excess tears badly.
I fold it three times. I don't think this is the problem, because sometimes it doesn't tear. Am I letting it rise too much maybe? Also, is there a way to get rid of the air pocket in the middle?
What causes stiff dough? Too much flour?
is due to letting it rise too long. and yes, too little flour will cause a stiff dough. But you knew that.
Can it rise too long on the first rise? Or is it only the second rise that matters? It's suppose to rise for 45 minutes and it happens much quicker than that. I usually pop it in the over after 25-30 minutes.
So too little flour? Not too much?
"...rise...happens much quicker that that"
Makes me think the yeast is too strong, try reducing the yeast amount or knocking the dough down for another bulk rise before shaping.
Here is my last ripped loaf... But I think it was the bran that was responsible. Any bran in your loaf? (they have sharp little edges that cut)
It did rip nicely if I say so myself. I did not score it.
Now my Italian bread is ripping. This has never happened before. This yeast is at least 2 years old. It doesn't get stronger with age does it? Could it possibly be my kneading or folding? Maybe I am not kneading long enough?
Try kneading and handling with wet hands to keep your dough hydrated. Cover well to prevent drying out. Or let dough rise under a damp wrung out towel. Can easily be a problem in winter.
THANK YOU! I am sure this must be the problem. I have been using a new bowl which is very large and I have to use a couple strips of plastic wrap, which won't adhere to the bowl. So I started using a dry towel to cover instead. Clearly this is causing it to dry out and the problem has only occured since I've started using this bowl(my older bowl broke). It seems so simple and obvious now. Thank you for helping.