valentine's baking

Profile picture for user kiki

I baked W-chocolate campagne for valentine.

Cocoa campagne  with lots of big chunk of bitter chocolate, cranberry and orange peel.


I love the combination of chocolate and fruit....the multiplication  enrich the chocolate flavor!




loaf of bread.  Love the chocolate, since I'm addicted :-)

Nice baking!

Looks like an amazing bread just perfect for your Valentine.  Would love to see your crumb shot if your Valentine did not devour the whole loaf by now.

I'm sorry,  I didn't had a chance to take a crumb shot for this baby.

And for sure,  it's all gone to my boyfriend's stomach by now.....(οΎŸβˆ‡^*)

I will make sure to take the shot for next time!

Profile picture for user kiki

Here is the formula for my W-Chocolate Campagne;

(One 8" bread)

natural yeast starter*: 80g

bagguet  flour**: 175g

rye flower: 10g

cocoa powder: 15g

water: 120g

sugar: 6g

salt: 4g

orange peal (chopped): 20g

dried cranberries: 30g

chocolate chip***: 30g


* natural yeast starter: with home made persimon's leaven

** bagguet flour:  can replace with the mixture of all-purpose flower and bread flower

*** chocolate chip:  I have used crushed chocolate bar instead, for more "chunky" chocolate feel (^βˆ‡^)