NY Times Gives The Fresh Loaf a shoutout!

Profile picture for user JMonkey

It's been a long time since I posted here (maybe some of the old timers will remember me), as work, fatherhood, community obligations, etc. have consumed the time I used to spend here. I still bake 2-3 times a week, though, and I attribute most of what I know to this site. So I was very happy to see the Fresh Loaf get a very nice mention in the New York Times today!

The article is about a baker who's making quality bagels in Northern California, and he attributes his passion for baking to TFL (at least in part).

Here's the link, for those who can't see it above: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/26/dining/in-northern-california-bagels-come-full-circle.html


Profile picture for user Floydm

Thanks for sharing this, JMonkey, and nice to see you!



The wife, NY transplant, has loadly complained of the quality of bagels in the local area.  Fortunately, we go to Oakland at least once a month.   Will have to try some of the bagels at Barons.  The long fermentation times are impressive.

You are one of the people who really helped me produce great whole wheat loaves-my favorite bread! I just looked back at some of your WW postings and the postings I do now sound almost identical. I absorbed a lot here.  Thank you! and I hope you come back sometimes-there seems to be a whole new generation of people who want to learn to work with WW.

Just last week on a lark I made JMonkey's whole wheat sticky buns for the first time, and now he shows up! Thanks for the recipe. It worked perfectly.

Good to see you all! I can't guarantee that I'll be able to stick around, but I'll make a point to poke my head in from time to time, and maybe post a loaf or two! Thanks!

Nice article JMonkey, and thanks. So good to see you again. Occasionally I am busier than I want to be, as in too busy to bake whole wheat bread! I still have your article about Laurel's buttermilk bread, the comparison between the straight dough and your sponge version, with pictures. I made a copy, and keep it in a binder that I come across when admiring my bread pictures.

Stay with us, and post as often as your schedule allows.  Ray

I had saved the article to give the bagels a try, but now went back to read re TFL. Thanks for pointing out and welcome back and good luck with the family and baking. Salma