Greetings All,
This somehow happened in my wife's kitchen. Perhaps it was the chowder on the stove.
This is a 100% Hydration, 100% whole wheat bread with 100% whole wheat 100%hydration starter.
200g fresh ground Wheat Montana Prarie Gold.
200g tap water and .5 tsp salt
flour and 175g water mixed and allow sit 12 hours in fridge
25g water added and sit 6hrs
dough cut into pieces, starter added in pieces, piece to piece
mashed together put into bowl in the back seat of car in sun while i am at work, no heat in house. 4 more hours. doubled volume.
now here is the questions.
1. has anyone seen holes such as these in 100%WW sourdough?
2. any suggestions how to manage them to greater consistancy?
3. consistancy such that a boule could be formed without degassing, as seems to be indicated by the bottom of the loaf?
Thanks for any input.
with creamy vegie salads and pickled whatnots... call it radiator bread ...and tell everyone it's planned that way!
(interesting book mr photographer)
I think a few folds of the dough on the back seat during the first rise might help distribute the bubbles giving a tighter skin to the dough helping it's shape. But that is only a guess.
Mini O
folding admittedly could have been more.
have you ever seen, though, holes this big in WW?
i was under the impression that the gluten would not be able to develop so because
of the bran and stuff.
How's this for big holes - also all at the top!
This was my first sourdough, and the dough was 91% hydration. I think some slashing would have helped both of our loaves. For a good discussion of the problems I had, take a look at the following thread. Though our loaves had a somewhat similar appearance, I think they had opposite problem. Mine was overkneaded, and from the way yours spread, I think the dough was underdeveloped. A few good folding sessions may have been all it needed.