Seed Culture versus Starters

Profile picture for user Bruce28

If I make a sourdough seed culture, the beginning of the starter, with high gluten white flour, rye pumpernickel flour and water when it finally manifests itself then I move on to make the starter. Afterwards I put it in the refrigerator till I am going to use it, is that okay? Then when I am going to use it I bring it out and fed it, correct? Doubling, say 16 oz of starter, 8 oz flour, and 8 oz of water, should the flour be the same as what I made originally - the high gluten and rye flour or can I use All-Purpose flour and water?

Since I don't really care for rye flour, why can't I just go ahead and make the original seed culture with say a high gluten white flour, All-Purpose flour, or Bread flour -- or for that matter, why not a combination of say the high gluten and bread flours?

Afterwards, can I leave this starter in the refrigerator "forever" and fed it when I want to use it then return it to the frig?

I am totally confused with all of this SOURDOUGH stuff! Help please?
