You better not laugh…Ooooey Gooey Cinnamon Swirly Buns…

Profile picture for user greedybread

But you might cry and these are simply soooooooo yum, words escape me.


I have been twiddling round with sweet doughs and Chelsea bun typey things for years..

This is my favourite…

As you can imagine,  these went…

Seriously, I turn around and GONE!!

Caramely swirly

This is why Hubby and I resort to hiding food.

This is shameful but those greedyboys, just suck it all in and then its gone…

Russian fudge, 2 batches, gone in a day…I had to put some in a container and hide it in the veg drawer for hubby…


Often I say to Hubby, “Come and get some now before I call the boys”..

He hesitates and by the time he comes…Gone!!

Get some before they all go!!

So what will you need?

Oooooh , Love these, so soft and yummy and cinnamony:)

Sorry….10g dried yeast

1/2 cup of castor sugar

1 cup of warmed milk

2 eggs

Pinch of salt.

4 cups of Strong baking flour

160 g softened butter.

Sweet sweet sweet Dough ….

For the filling:

200g softened butter

1 & 1/2 cups of brown sugar or light muscovado

3 big tsp of cinnamon

1 sprinkle of cloves

Pinch of Nutmeg.

Buttery sugary filling…bad!! but sooo good

Now there is some more options with this recipe but I will tell you at the end as I didn’t do them today….

But the words more caramel , come into it!!

Take your milk and warm it and add in the sugar and make sure it is dissolved, then add in yeast and stir well.

Stand 10-15 minutes until frothy, then add in the beaten eggs.

Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix through, then add in the yeasty egg mix and form a soft dough.

Knead for a few minutes then add in the butter.

Mix butter through well and knead for about 5-7 minutes until well combined and elastically.

Place in lightly oiled bowl, cover and stand for 2 hours.

Ready to roll…

While you are waiting, mix all your filling ingredients together, blending well and then stand aside.

Turn dough out on bench/board and roll out into a large rectangle.

I think for this one I did 25cms width by 50 odd cm long.

You can do a bit more of a bit less but don’t make the dough too thick.

Place filling on the dough and spread out, leaving a 2cm gap on the edges of the length.

Rolling out

Spread that filling!!

See the slight edging???

Option of putting some raisins in….

Start from the edging closest to you and start to roll, as tight as you can, taking care though not to squish out the filling:)

Roll right up and then lightly dampen edges with butter or a little milk and join seams together and turn seam side down.

I usually let it rest for about 10-15 minutes now…

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

All rolled and resting…

When cut….


Into the pan….

Swirly Swirly yum yum

Now I like to cut 12-15 rolls in total. I am not going to tell you i measure my rolls as I don’t.

If you want to be anal, you can be but I do it by looking and it works pretty well.

So cut the rolls, work quickly, and place in the dish, don’t handle the dough too much.

I use an old black roasting dish that is about 30cms by 20cms i think…

Well greased, I usually put in 12, that I find gives them ample room to grow:)

But you could do 15 rolls but I find they are not as high that way….But no right and wrong here.


I now leave them for 90-120 minutes dependant on room temperature.

Usually 90 minutes is enough…by then the greedyboys are moaning for me to hurry up!!

About 30 minutes before end of time, preheat the oven to 180 celsius.

See the size difference!! ready to bake

When time is up, brush the dough lightly with a milk wash….still using Bobbi’s brush I am too!!

Place in the oven and bake for 35 minutes until very brown.

While they are baking, I like to make a little sugar syrup of 1/4 cup water and 1/4 cup of sugar and bring to gentle simmer.

As soon as the buns come out, I brush them with this.

You don’t have to do this but it adds a little gloss if you are not then adding a white drippy icing later, which I am not today:)

Mmmm all ready…

Yummy yummy


Remove and allow to cool in the tin.

These easily pull apart when you want to eat them…

Best eaten warm….Alone i think

But with some cream if really bad or when cool with butter as my shameful husband does!!!

Now you can make a drippy white icing ( icing sugar, milk and a wee bit of butter) and I drip it all over the buns, if you want to.

The other option is to make a caramel sauce and pour it over the buns as soon as they come out of the oven….Very caramely ooey gooey then:)

You can also add in fruit at the stage where you saw me put on the raisins…grated apple is nice!!

So a few choices to think about…

But don’t forget……


Lovely side view

Very tasty….

And just in case you are really bored….here is my Chelsea bun recipe…

Profile picture for user dosidough

I like the many spirals that you get from rolling the dough out thin. Very ooey gooey, bad bad, oh sooooo good. I'm gonna save this for a snowy weekend! What a treat to look forward to. The shredded apple variation is how I'm leaning. This is a nice step by step post.  Thanks.


Profile picture for user greedybread

In reply to by dosidough

yes, to for snow BUT then that doesn't explain why we eat it here in the blinding sun....haha

will need to think on that one.

Let me know how the apple goes and what you, walnut or pecan maybe? even a little raisin in it too??