Hello! New here.


I've been lurking on this site for about a week now.  I read a very long and intesting post about making a sourdough starter with pineapple juice so I thought I'd try it.

It seemed to work well and I've got 2 starters going, one with rye and one with wheat.  I'll probably toss one at some point because there's probably no point in keeping both, I just wasn't sure if one would start better than the other.

I made one loaf of sourdough this weekend.  It was nice looking, but tasted bland.  Not enough salt or time I think.  I made a second one today and its so cute.  I hope it tastes better than the first.  My dough is rising fairly quickly, so I think next loaf I will slow down overnight in the fridge.   I can't wait until this one cools down a bit so I can taste it!

Thanks for all the great posts on this site.  You are all so helpful!

Oh, and I'm not much of a baker, so any comments on what to do better, or easy recipes to try would be welcome!

on the outside.  Your starter will have better flavor in a few weeks.  You can combine your starters no problem I just combined my Desem and Rye sour starter yesterday and have combined starters with it pretty regular.  You can always build a levain to what ever bread you are making with the 1 starter and save some flour expense.

What does it look like on the inside?  Like your scoring too.

Nice baking and welcom to TFL.


Thanks!  It turned out pretty nice on the inside too.  I'll try to take a picture before its all gone.  I don't know why, but in this one I could actually tastethe sour.  The one I made over the weekend was very bland.  Maybe, like you say, it developed more flavor as the starter aged a little more.  Also the first one I made was all white (I had switched the starter over to white), but then I decided to switch the starter back to rye, so this one had an appreciable amount of rye in it.  I don't know if that affects the sourness at all.

I stole the scoring on top from a picture I saw posted here.  I thought it was so pretty.  Mine's not as  nice as the one I copied from though ;)


ETA:  here's the inside... Hmm, it will only let me post the pic at the top of the post.

If you type some blurb and then hit return to get the courser below the typing it will post the picture below.  Cursor control is the key to posting on TFL.

Love your crust and crumb now that we can see it :-)   It is yummy looking and the spring was great.  Perfect bread for World Bread Day.

I didn't know it was world bread day. :)

I tried positioning the cursor.  Maybe it's different on the iPad.  Sometimes message boards act wonky on the iPad.  Another one I visit won't even let me post pics unless I use tapatalk. Mm, I wonder if I can access this forum on tapatalk?