Sharing Medium Rye flour, Asheville NC area


I am currently concentrading on baking rye breads: lots of recipes call for medium rye flour (Hammelman) . I only get whole rye from Hogson mill, dark rye from Red Bob Mills or white reye flour ( which looks like cement). Honeyville sells a 50 lb bag medium rye flour for $57.00. shippment  4.99

50lb is just too much for me since I will b ake much less in winter.  Are there any TFLers in the Asheville area which would be interested in sharing . I am in Brevard, NC . Have to be in Asheville once in a while so could deliver.

You can buy Medium Rye flour in a 5 lb bag which is affordable from King Arthur Flour on-line.  That is where I buy most of my flour from.  The pricing is reasonable and the product is excellent.

You don't understand, their price redistributes cost of flour and cost of shipping to make shipping appear less expensive.  If you ask for a quote for a 50 lb of rye flour from a bakery supply house it's going to be $27-30.

Thanks Heidi. I am selling my bread at the farmers market and have several requests for rye bread. I cannot afford to order a couple of bags retail price. But i will check with NYB