How to keep old dough


So I'm making oatmeal bread. I heard one trick is to keep a portion of the dough to make bread the next time. Well, how do I keep a portion of this dough to make new bread? How do I store it? How do I feed it, or do I need to?

That's how I keep my old dough.

If it's old dough (and not a levain or a sourdough), it doesn't need to be "fed", although I notice that after 2 weeks or so, the quality degrades, so I whip up a new batch twice a month or so (I bake every weekend).

Hope this helps.

SHOOT! I just realised I did NOT save some old dough. I already baked my bread and TOTALLY forgot about taking some dough for next week or the week after. DUH! Anyhow, thanks for the advice. Yeah, what I'm thinking of is just old dough i.e., dough from an uncooked bread. 

... if you aren't going to bake within 2 days of refrigerating your old dough (Pâte Fermentée) -  you need to feed it.  But your mileage will vary, of course, depending on the thermostat setting of your fridge.

All at Sea

... they are both required.  As with refreshing a starter, chuck out some of the old dough, and give the remainder a good feed and a splosh to drink.  You decide your feed rate and hydration based on what you want to use it for.

Had to laugh about the forgetful bit - you're not the only one to have done that!

All at Sea

YAH KNOW WHAT? I FORGOT to save old dough AGAIN! I just made this wonderful Multigrain Spraun bread from Reinhardt's Whole Grain book, and I FORGOT AGAIN! Geezz...