Anyone have experience baking batter breads?What are they like?


I am currently a one-handed baker (hand surgery) and soon to be a half-of-one-hand baker (more surgery but on other hand) so handling big items and kneading are out of the question but I can't give up baking.I love my bread too much.

 I recently acquired an old Red Star Yeast baking book that has an interesting chapter on batter breads-savroy,plain and sweet but most made with AP flour. I think I will be able to handle making a batter bread in my KA stand mixer-the hard part will be getting the bowl off the mixing stand and then the dough out of the bowl. But that is what gravity is for. I don't expect to be neat about it.

I have never tasted a yeasted batter bread sandwich loaf before. I'm looking to make a whole grain sandwich loaf and fruited toasting loaf with nuts. Think it is do-able? Looking for comments from people who have made yeasted batter breads (not just tea breads).

I've made batter breads a few times when we were forced out of our house after the ice storm in Montreal, and into an apartment hotel.  I simply could not give up homemade bread, and I didn't even have a mixer; unlike you, though, I still had two good hands.  Still the texture was good and the taste was, well, homemade as opposed to the stuff we'd bought for toast.  Batter breads are very much worth the effort of trying to tip it out of the bowl, and I can see that that could be difficult for you, but since it goes straight from the bowl into the bread pans, it's not so bad.  Good luck!

 out of the question?  It's pretty hands free too.

I've thought of no-knead (never did it) but I believe it involves placing a boule into a hot vessel?Covered-then remove hot cover?  I'm not so sure that I want to do that.

Batter dough I can mix-rise-mix in the same bowl and then tilt the bowl on the counter to tip out the batter into a pan placed in the sink below the bowl, rise and bake. The hardest part is removing the bowl and putting the pan into and out of the oven.

I'm looking at this time as an opportunity to learn new things. Time to develop a batter bread technique.

Thanks for the links,also!

Because they are usually single rise, and therefore have less gluten strength, batter breads tend to be more of quick bread texture.  Often crumbly.  They have less 'bread' flavour - less yeasty, less time for wheat to change it's chemistry. 

They're still delicious - almost always prefer them over quickbreads - and there are many add-ins that can shine - cheeses, beers, herbs....  Have fun - and good luck with your recovery!

Good thoughts and prayers are always welcome. I anticipate pain, annoyance and a rehab phase but a complete recovery down the road. At some point, bread kneading will actually be therapeutic but that will take a while. It will take patience to get there and that has never been a strong trait of mine. Obviously, some of my lifework at this time is to work on that.

I found a recipe for a Whole Wheat Batter bread  that I hope to adapt to improve the flavor and texture. I thought crumbliness and lack of flavor might be issues, just looking at how they are made. I already have plans on how to incorporate a preferment and perhaps my sourdough into the recipe.My first thought is to decrease the yeast and let it rise longer.Here is the link for the original recipe if anyone has suggestions:

I also want to be able to make our daily Breakfast bread, which is a honey sweetened WW that has spices,walnuts,craisins and golden raisins. Texture is not too fussy on this one-it is usually a dense,chewy bread that we toast. I will prob start with the sandwich loaf and just adapt it to the Breakfast bread.

I'm not ready for a bread machine, yet. I think I can accomplish what I need with my great KA, the right recipe,a few minutes of gravity and patience. 

 Amazing how the mind works when the usual distractions of work aren't occupying it. I have discovered just how important and relaxing cooking and bread are to me. I have a great spouse who won't do anything bread (except slice) but he will chop/slice/dice anything else on command. I can't overuse that trait.  He's been great.

All suggestions appreciated!

I've never seen a batter bread that looks like the one in your link!  Impressive!  The ones I've made (or other people) have a much more craggy appearance.  I think it must have something to do with: "it does require a stand mixer or a very strong arm to make that miracle happen."  Mine have been easy to stir.  Also, this one requires 2 rises - the recipes I've used have had one prepare the batter and drop it right into the pan for a single rise.

Looks like it'll be very close to "regular" bread.

Close to 100% or more.   Just look at the cups of water to flour ratios.  Generally if the liquid in cups is half the flour cup amount, it is a high hydration dough.   Store and freeze like any other bread.  Refrigeration will harden and stale the bread but it can be freshened up in a toaster.