Sourdough as purfume-free Facial Mask:
I made myself a cup of java and was flipping over my 75g sachet of liquid Natur Sauerteig and there states (it was on the second of a two package deal) that sourdough cleans and promotes circulation! "An old secret recipe." Sounds interesting, I read on.... (I am translating for y'all)
"Spread sourdough thin and gently on face being careful to avoid eyes. Let it dry out slightly and rinse with plenty of water, finish with a facial cream." O) Mini Oven
I made myself a cup of java and was flipping over my 75g sachet of liquid Natur Sauerteig and there states (it was on the second of a two package deal) that sourdough cleans and promotes circulation! "An old secret recipe." Sounds interesting, I read on.... (I am translating for y'all)
"Spread sourdough thin and gently on face being careful to avoid eyes. Let it dry out slightly and rinse with plenty of water, finish with a facial cream." O) Mini Oven
That's what I call creative marketing. Maybe that's why my hands have been so smooth lately. Now I can capture my daughter's interest with this new application, a whole new dimension of sourdough.
Hi Bill, Mini Oven,
Have you heard about SKII and pitera. Below is the SK II story from their website.
Disclaimer: I am quoting this for this thread only. I am not advocating their products nor am I involved with them in any way. They had a huge advertising campaign over here a while back and I still see their commercials a lot here on TV.
p.s maybe we will soon be using part of the main dough for our faces.
How the miracle of crystal clear complexion started in a sake' brewery
Her face was wrinkled as an old lady's. Her hands were remarkably soft and youthful.
This was what a Japanese scientist observed in an elderly lady working in a factory in Japan.
It was in the 1970's. The factory, a sake' brewery.
As the scientist gazed at the elderly workers, he noticed their weary faces, parched from the sun. Yet, all of them had the same delicate hands. The same hands that were in constant contact with the yeast used in the factory.
It didn't take long for the scientist to put two and two together. The secret to beautiful complexion was, literally, in their hands.
Another 5 years of research ensued before the yeast's unique ingredient was isolated. The result, an all-natural yeast derivative, we call Pitera®. An amazing ingredient found only in SK-II products.
Combining the power of nature with the advances of science, SK-II with Pitera® helps restore skin's natural rhythm to its 28-day metabolic cycle.
Restoring your skin's natural glow, it also leaves your complexion crystal clear. It's almost as if your skin is "reborn" every day.
Since then, SK-II with Pitera® has become the beauty regimen of many celebrities and beautiful women around Asia & the world. Today, these women have the pleasure of a luxury which the elderly Japanese women unwittingly enjoyed. Crystal clear skin.
years of research ensued before the yeast's unique ingredient was isolated. The result, an all-natural yeast derivative, we call Pitera®. An amazing ingredient found only in SK-II products.
Combining the power of nature with the advances of science, SK-II with Pitera® helps restore skin's natural rhythm to its 28-day metabolic cycle.
Restoring your skin's natural glow, it also leaves your complexion crystal clear. It's almost as if your skin is "reborn" every day.
Since then, SK-II with Pitera® has become the beauty regimen of many celebrities and beautiful women around Asia & the world. Today, these women have the pleasure of a luxury which the elderly Japanese women unwittingly enjoyed. Crystal clear skin.
I know this one has been around a while (70's???) but .... Do you think he could still strip for a sourdough party?
youtube "how not to bake bread"
Mini O
So you have had this bookmarked for a while??!! 30 some odd years later..I don't think I want to see that...Hahaha..
PS The bread looked awful!
That was hilarious! Even my husband enjoyed it!
...but that video is hysterical! you made my morning :D
I wonder if he gives private baking lessons! Love the Youtube,Mini!
I did notice how well my old preferments cleaned my gardendirt hands and fingernails when I was cleaning several preferments out of the back of the refrigerator one weekend. There were 3-4 containers that had about an inch of gray hootch on them and the flour/liquid portion was velvety smooth and acetone smelling-VERY acidic. My hands were PINK like a newborns when I was done scraping out those containers.My sink was pretty clean,too!
will see SD starter on TV being touted as a cure for toenail fungus, athelete's foot, erectile dysfunction, weight loss, allergies, weed killer, a sleep aid and to remove the cloudy film over acrylic headlights on the car and fix that clogged shower head.
Been looking for studies using sourdough as a topical (smear on the skin) cure for eczema, namely Atopic Dermatitis. Because why not? ...and my hands are a mess. Time to get my hands back into the dough and that jar of 3+ year old kimchee in the back of the fridge could be growing a Rx sticker. I need to find out more and find some fresh millet for experiments.