KAF Bread & KAF All Purpose

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I want to do a Ciabatta recipe from the Book Bread, but it calls for Bread Flour.  I don't have enough of KAF bread flour but lots of KAF All Purpose.  Can this be used instead of the KAF Bread flour without having to make any adjustments to the recipe?  TIA

If you're referring to Hamelman's Bread, a Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes, he discusses the types of wheat at page 36, noting that hearth breads which use preferments and long, slow fermentations, etc. benefit from the use of winter wheat (protein level of 11 to 12 percent).  

KAF AP is hard red winter wheat, so you're good to go.  

I believe that the term "bread flour" throughout the book refers to flour with a protein level of 11-12 percent, which is KAF AP.  

KAF bread flour is made from hard red spring wheat.  The KAF brand has a 12.7% protein level.

You can also mix the two...

so much for your quick reply.  Yes, that's the book I was talking about.