Amusing myself while waiting for starter

Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

So, I've just dived into the deep end with this sourdough thing (well, really, I'm still on the board I guess), and started a starter on the 23rd.  It's been a bit sluggish to get going, so, being impatient, I started another one on the 31st! :)  The first is a 100% hydration whole wheat starter, and the second is a 100% hydration rye starter.  I'm trying really hard to be a patient sourdough newbie, and let my starters get established so that they can do my leavening for me, but I'm a naturally impatient guy.  So, I amused myself today by doing a bit of time lapse photography with my two starters.  It's very interesting to see the difference in the rate of expansion of the two, noting that the younger one is more vigorous than the older one (....and yes, I'm aware that this is likely caused by bacterial growth in the early starter stages rather than by the yeast that I am trying to culture.)  Anyway, I thought you might be interested to see the comparison, though, I suppose this might be somewhat of a yawner for those of you with lots of experience......

2 hrs

4 hrs

6 hrs


8 hrs

10 hrs


12 hrs

I hope this isn't considered too many photos for one post on this site!  I thought that this was interesting to see, and actually the series in one-hour increments was even cooler, but I don't want to get banned on my first day here.

Anyway, hope this is of some interest to you, and I hope to be baking with my starters soon (I did save my discard from the WW starter tonight to make up some english muffins in the morning.



Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

Apparently I didn't do enough scouring of TFL before starting my starters, as I hadn't yet stumbled on the Debra Wink pineapple juice method!

I was pleased to find this am that my WW starter had more than doubled overnight after its last dose of food, so I'm optimistic that I have now cultured enough little soldiers that I will have a stable starter.  Having said that, we go out of town today, so I'll get to experiment with reviving my starters when we get back.  :)
