Tropical Fruit bread turned out in a disaster


I bought a new Breadman machine and wife wanted a Tropical Fruit Bread so I made one (the 1 lbs). It turned out in a total disaster.

The recipe calls for 1/2 a cup of water including the egg; 2 & 1/4 of flour etc... and I followed the recipe to a "T" and even had my wife double check and turned in a total disaster. Seems to me that there was not enough water / liquid. When it was mixing; it was almost mixing dry all the time. Weird


Here's the recipe

Any thouhts or idea what went wrong?

Thanks in advance

I agree with your assessment - that recipe seems very, very dry. Assuming 2.25 cups of flour weighs approximately 9.5625 oz (1 cup of flour=4.25 oz), and that the recipe calls for 4.1727 oz of water (the weight equivalent of 1/2 cup of water), that means your loaf has a hydration of a little over 43%, which is bone dry. 

Try the loaf again using a whole 1/2 cup of water in addition to one egg. Assuming an egg weighs about 1.7637 oz (50 grams), that would bring your new hydration up around 61%.  That should give you a much more reasonable texture. 

(note: sorry about the decimals. It was easier to do the calculations in grams, which I then converted to ounces)


If look at the table you will see that it is full of errors.   When you go from 1 lb loaf to 2 lb loaf you double the liquid but increase the flour only by 50%.   How it is possible that the same amount of salt required no matter how you scale the recipe?  What's up with orange peel?  I am afraid you are on your own there.  Adjust the water until it feels right and see what happens. 

Wow, Suave is right. . . there are a lot of inconsistencies in the math. Did you more or less like the flavor of the dry loaf? If so, then just use the amounts listed in the 1 lb loaf column and multiply the quantities yourself. Ignore the other columns. Whoever wrote the recipe needs to fire his/her editor. 

Ok, made a new one and turned out not bad at all. Made the 1 lbs loaf and did like yy said; I put 1/2 a cup of water + the egg which came out to 3/4 of water/egg. I'm gonna contact Breadman company and show them this thread. This is B.S.

Here's the bread:

Thanks for your help.