I bought a new Breadman machine and wife wanted a Tropical Fruit Bread so I made one (the 1 lbs). It turned out in a total disaster.
The recipe calls for 1/2 a cup of water including the egg; 2 & 1/4 of flour etc... and I followed the recipe to a "T" and even had my wife double check and turned in a total disaster. Seems to me that there was not enough water / liquid. When it was mixing; it was almost mixing dry all the time. Weird
Here's the recipe
Any thouhts or idea what went wrong?
Thanks in advance
I agree with your assessment - that recipe seems very, very dry. Assuming 2.25 cups of flour weighs approximately 9.5625 oz (1 cup of flour=4.25 oz), and that the recipe calls for 4.1727 oz of water (the weight equivalent of 1/2 cup of water), that means your loaf has a hydration of a little over 43%, which is bone dry.
Try the loaf again using a whole 1/2 cup of water in addition to one egg. Assuming an egg weighs about 1.7637 oz (50 grams), that would bring your new hydration up around 61%. That should give you a much more reasonable texture.
(note: sorry about the decimals. It was easier to do the calculations in grams, which I then converted to ounces)
Thanks for the feed back. I'll try again with 1/2 cup of water + the egg and hopefully not waste ingredients. lol
You would think that Breadman would have corrected their recipe book?
If look at the table you will see that it is full of errors. When you go from 1 lb loaf to 2 lb loaf you double the liquid but increase the flour only by 50%. How it is possible that the same amount of salt required no matter how you scale the recipe? What's up with orange peel? I am afraid you are on your own there. Adjust the water until it feels right and see what happens.
Wow, Suave is right. . . there are a lot of inconsistencies in the math. Did you more or less like the flavor of the dry loaf? If so, then just use the amounts listed in the 1 lb loaf column and multiply the quantities yourself. Ignore the other columns. Whoever wrote the recipe needs to fire his/her editor.
Ok, made a new one and turned out not bad at all. Made the 1 lbs loaf and did like yy said; I put 1/2 a cup of water + the egg which came out to 3/4 of water/egg. I'm gonna contact Breadman company and show them this thread. This is B.S.
Here's the bread:
Thanks for your help.