Any SF bakers willing to donate a little starter?

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I have been travelling for 2 1/2 years with my starter and I finally left it behind by accident. I am visiting some friends in SF and meant to bring my Starter with me and mistakenly left it behind at another friends place in LA. Are there any SF bakers with a fresh sourdough that might be willing to donate a sample I can bake with this week? I took a chance and asked at Tartine, but they shot me down. :( Feeling naked w/o my starter, help! (I'm in Potrero, but the busses here are amazing so I can come get it probably just about anywhere.) Thanks!

I have some that I made in San Francisco from scratch, but it's not very sour, and I don't know how to make it more sour.

You are welcome to have some.  It is fine for liveliness.

I can meet you to give it to you.

If you get some from Acme, I'll trade you, starter-for-starter.



here in Austria.   You bringing starter to San Fran is " bringing water to the Danube."   (or snow to the Alps)

Might not be a bad idea to pick up a starter in San Francisco.  Sorry you forgot your own, then again...   :)

Hi.  I'm in SF and I can share some 100% starter with you.  It's about 18 months old and is very healthy.



Hi Brad-

How "sour" is your starter please?

I made some "SF" starter from scratch, but have kept it "pure" in that I've only used KA AP flour to feed it, being concerned that the wild yeast strains on both wheat and rye flours would eventually overtake any sf yeast in the starter.

If you are willing to share, I'd love to pick some up from you.  We could swap starters and compare (my husband is my "guinea pig" when it comes to taste-testing sourdough).

I work in Oakland and commute out of/back to SF daily.


I find that the sour can be adjusted by the recipe used.  A firm starter (55% hydration) will give a more sour bake when gram for gram flour amounts are used.  Also the time that the dough is fermented and whether the loaf has been retarded will  affect the taste.  The temperature that you use to build the starter will have a significant effect on taste as well.  Have you adjusted your recipes and temperatures to explore the tastes available?  I have been baking once or twice a week and the differences are surprising. I wouldn't worry too much about the KA flour flora.  As I understand it, the local flora will eventually take over and become the dominant strains in 6 months or less.
