Making Bialys, first attempt.


Hi, made Bialys for the first time and followed the recipe from "Inside the Jewish bakery" book to the "T". Since I work in New York City, I transported water work to home to make them nice and chewy. They came out nice and chewy and delicious, but their appearance is halfway decent. Trying to get that real Bialy look. maybe I tried different lengths, sizes, but maybe I have to do something to shape them. Book says to bake them on stone on the upper third of the oven. Any help is greatly appreciated. Regards, Howard Lieboff

all they need is the onions, poppy seeds and salt filling.  the softball effect often comes when you don't let the dough proof enough before shaping the roll.  the dough really needs to be at full proof, i.e., almost at the point of collapse when you touch it gently with your finger.  that's the point when you should shape the bialy, fill it and bake it immediately.


thanks Stan for the reply, I really appreciate it. I definitely followed your instructions, letting the dough proof in the ball form for 3-4 hours and then just shaping them into balls and proofing them for 1 1/2-2 hours. And when I uncovered it, they were slight to the touch, almost to the point of collapse. I really think I did a terrible job shaping them. This weekend, I'll try again. By the way, I'm enjoying your book immensely. Regards, Howard L

okay so I made the same recipe from above and they came out even worse. I let the dough proof long enough. Very frustrated I kept looking and looking and looking on the internet to see what the percentages of water to flour everybody used. There were a couple that caught my eye. The above recipe was 54% with high gluten flour. The recipe I tried on Monday was 60% with all bread flour and others ranged rom 64% to 69%. My wife says what are you making now and I said Bialys and she said didn't you make them last week??? And I explained that I'm on a quest. This recipe was from Something about the recipe just made sense. This dough had a way different feel to it and it felt right. After 12 minutes, I didn't cheat and look at the oven. When I took them out, it was like discovering the fountain of youth...heaven and paradise. And I had my family taste them and they loved it. Check out my pics....pic is kind of bright...

When I lived in "The City" and would pick up bialys on the way home, they looked exactly like yours -- they were rarely exactly round.  And they rarely made it home.  Bialys were for eating right away -- the bagels were for the morning.

look pretty good. Get the filling, poppy seed, onion, salt and oil filling and use that. It's somewhere on here for onion rolls and I also have the book, I believe it's in there also under onion filling. I use dried onions as suggested. These are mine, a combination bialy/onion roll, but they are so good. I like mine brown and lots of topping all over, not a true Bialy!


Where is the recipe from that you are speaking about for the perfect bialy? I would love to try this recipe since my bialys are not like the bakery ones.

I'm replying to your post! I don't see a reference to Bialy's  from on this thread and not sure what you are refering to. If you meant my Bialy/OnionRoll recipe, search on this site for Norm's Onion Roll Recipe, that's what I used. I just like them browner and more topping on them. Any questions, please reply, I will try to help.


Edit: Disregard, I see the reference in another post, sorry.