I would like to purchase some French baguette bread forms to give my bread a better shape. The local stores they have two types and I don’t know which one will be better.
Both types have the same shape of a long and slim baguette but one type is made out of a solid sheet and on the other type the sheet is perforated at the bottom with small holes
Which one is better for bread baking and what is the difference between the two?
Hi Oskar,
I too had the same choice to make. A solid or perforated tray for baking my baguettes. When I was researching the web prior to purchase there was a blog somewhere saying that the perforated trays left hole marks on their bagutte. To the purist (which I'm not) this is a negative in the appearance of the finished product. Naturally, I think the bread would still be fine to eat. Another factor was the solid trays were about $10.00 cheaper.
To this day I don't regret buying the solid tray. It is about 2 years old now and I only wish it was a little longer in length.
So there you have why I chose the solid tray.........appearance of the finished product and purchase cost.
PS.........the solid tray is a thin stainless steel while the perforated tray was a taflon coated non stick product. This I think was the cause of the price difference.
The bottoms sometimes don't bake well in a solid form. No big deal, just slide them right onto the oven rack for the last 10 minutes or so.
I'm not too crazy about adding a step, so I prefer heavy perforated ones that have reinforcement pieces welded on. Yes, sometimes you get marks, but they aren't ugly so I accept them.
Having used both the metal trays (solid and perforated) and brotforms, I'd recommend the brotforms.
They're made in the tradition 250 g size, however; so, if you want to make large/long baguettes, they won't work (unless you can find longer/larger brotforms).
Here they are on the left.
I bought them from here: http://brotform.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=11
They look pretty cool
Thank you all for the feedback
Here too the solid trays are stainless steel and the perforated trays are with non stick surface and of course are more expensive.
I guess I will stick with the solid trays