Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads is here.
Need I say more?
Update: Well, perhaps I don't need to, but I will say more. My first impression is that it looks and feels like a whole grain
Bread Baker's Apprentice: the same style intro to bread baking, the same approach to master formula, same design and layout, same size and shape. Think of it as Volume II of the BBA for whole grain lovers.
a Challah bread made with a whole wheat "soaker" and a biga made with white flour...
The complete recipe and instructions can be found in the Aug 12th post at [u][url][/url][/u]
I've been working my way through his commentary. He tried to carry the old techniques straight across to whole wheat and found that it was a different world. I'm interested in the "modern" techniques, but want them applied to whole grains. That's why I think this book may take the place of The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book as my favorite.
So how did you manage to get Reinhart's new book already?!! I pre-ordered a copy with Amazon a long while ago, and they have not yet shipped my order. I am impatiently awaiting that book, as it is really just up my alley- being a bread baker enthusiast who loves especially loves whole grains.
Thanks for giving us all heads up, Floydm.
Meaning you are morally obligated to publish an in-depth review before the bookstore copies ship. Get bakin' and writin' ;-)
I'm still around, btw, just trying to get situated with work, my home office, new school for my daughter, and so on and so forth. I've been baking, though, but nothing special. As soon as I catch my breath, I'll post an update.
I've missed your posts. You'll have to report on how the starter relocation ploys worked.
My Amazon pre-order is still showing an October ship date. I am tempted to cancel the pre-order and order it again. I am particularly excited about this book because I beta-tested a couple of recipes and they were really good and because I am a brewer and I read that there is a whole chapter on recipes using spent grains from brewing, which I have always wanted to try.
Let's just say I am excited and leave it at that.
I had the same experience. When I called customer service she had me cancel the original order, reorder again with 1-day shipping, and she waived the additional charge for the fast shipping. So anyone who calls might want to ask for that.