It is here

Profile picture for user Floydm
Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads is here. Need I say more? Update: Well, perhaps I don't need to, but I will say more. My first impression is that it looks and feels like a whole grain Bread Baker's Apprentice: the same style intro to bread baking, the same approach to master formula, same design and layout, same size and shape. Think of it as Volume II of the BBA for whole grain lovers.

I've been working my way through his commentary.  He tried to carry the old techniques straight across to whole wheat and found that it was a different world.  I'm interested in the "modern" techniques, but want them applied to whole grains.  That's why I think this book may take the place of The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book as my favorite.


So how did you manage to get Reinhart's new book already?!!  I pre-ordered a copy with Amazon a long while ago, and they have not yet shipped my order.  I am impatiently awaiting that book, as it is really just up my alley- being a bread baker enthusiast who loves especially loves whole grains. 

Thanks for giving us all heads up, Floydm.

I got my copy directly from the publicist at Ten Speed Press. Rosalie, as you may have seen, got a copy from her local bookstore. And 101 Cookbooks did a write up of it already. So they are starting to show up. I noticed Amazon currently says it is "In Stock" but, you are right, the backlog of pre-orders hasn't shipped yet. My guess is that that the orders are being shipped as quickly as the books get to the distribution sites. I'd hope Amazon would get the pre-orders fulfilled in the next week or two.

=== I got my copy directly from the publicist at Ten Speed Press. ===

Meaning you are morally obligated to publish an in-depth review before the bookstore copies ship. Get bakin' and writin' ;-)


I know, I know. I've been trying to figure out how to do that... I have a busy week at work and am probably going to be traveling much of next week, so I'm not finding myself with abundant time to bake. But be honest with me: are you really waiting to decide whether to buy it for me to render my verdict? My words hold that much weight with you now? ;^) I flipped through it a bit more last night. Very nice: WW Challah, a Swedish Limpa, WW Cinnamon Rolls, WW Anadama Bread, WW Struan, WW Cinnamon Raisin Bread, and many others. The technique section is very similar to the intro to BBA but there are sections on autolyse, another on making a mash, and a fair amount on different grains and flours (naturally). If you are interested in whole grain baking then the purchase decision is a no-brainer, and if your not then it probably isn't the book for you.
Profile picture for user JMonkey

Now THIS makes me happy. I'll have to get hold of the book soon.

I'm still around, btw, just trying to get situated with work, my home office, new school for my daughter, and so on and so forth. I've been baking, though, but nothing special. As soon as I catch my breath, I'll post an update.

My Amazon pre-order is still showing an October ship date.  I am tempted to cancel the pre-order and order it again.  I am particularly excited about this book because I beta-tested a couple of recipes and they were really good and because I am a brewer and I read that there is a whole chapter on recipes using spent grains from brewing, which I have always wanted to try. 


Let's just say I am excited and leave it at that. 

If you pre-ordered on Amazon, you should cancel that order and place a new one.  I just called customer service and found out that my pre-order wouldn't have gotten to me until October.  When I canceled it and placed a new order, it says it will ship on Friday.