Happy Birthday Floyd


Happy Birthday Floyd and how wonderful to have your birthday celebrated with World Bread Day. Thank you for the website from which all of us have benefited so much.




Don't just have bread, Floyd, have cake and lots of it.  And I too thank you for this site; it's amazing the amount of information I've garnered here, just by poking around.

Happy Birthday, Floyd :-)

Thank you for this site. We need more things like TFL to bring a little joy into our daily lives.

This is a good opportunity to express appreciation for this terrific site - by far the best bread/baking forum on the web, in my opinion. That's due to the layout and design (yours, I believe), the very professional moderation, and the generous spirit of contribution from members that flows from that. A lot of effort must go into the running of the site. From a grateful beneficiary, thank you so much.



And thank you for all the great work you've done here. TFL is such a great place. How many hrs per week do you spend on this??

Hope someone else does the baking for you today :)

Hope your day is special - thanks for all you do in providing so many such a great place to congregate and share via TFL.

Best wishes for many many more happy birthdays !!!


Happy birthday, Floyd! And on World Bread Day, too! ;)

I really can't thank you enough for creating such a wonderful space like this and keeping it as the most welcoming, inspirational and civil place for us bread geeks to unleash our obsession!

Many happy returns for you, and long live TFL!



May we all celebrate many more with you. But tell me, what kind of birthday bread did you have?


Best wish I can give anyone! I'm glad you are here and share your wonderful passion for bread. I'm also glad of your global outlook and bringing a part of all corners of the globe together in a common interest. You are the best kind of ambassador for world peace!

Happy Birthday and Happy World Bread day!


Happy Birthday!!!!  Man..., TFL is the BEST!!!  I JUST LOVE IT!  Thanks for making it so awesome!!  I've learned so much and just love reading up on all the stuff everyday!!  I hope you have a wonderful year full of blessings from the Lord!  You're doing a GREAT job!!

Thanks so much for all your hard work!!



You only have 100 more years; use them as wisely as you have the past ones  :-)

Happy Birthday!


Thank you all so much!

I'm actually "celebrating" by spending much of the weekend at a software conference.  Not my first choice of ways to celebrate, but they didn't ask me which weekend to schedule the conference!  

The conference has been quite worthwhile. Hopefully many of the Drupal tips and tricks I'm learning here I'll be able to apply to TFL in the next few months.  Like yesterday I attended a big discussion about WYSIWYG Editor Best Practices since I know that is one of the biggest pain points here.

Tonight there will be cake, and perhaps some bread too.

Thanks again, all.



Happy Birthday Floyd.

Really appreciate the effort you put in to The Fresh Loaf. A treasured resource and a daily pleasure.

All the best,



How perfect that World Bread Day falls on your birthday this year.
Happy Birthday! :^) from breadsong

Happy  Birthday Floyd

I hope you have a wonderful day and thanks for all you do ion this website Albert

for your birthday Floyd, and hope the conference was not too stultifying when you really wanted to celbrate with bread and cake.

You have been learning about WYSIWYG and I've been researching polish/russian/ ukranian pierogi, varushka and like items. You might have gotten the better deal, since at least you will be able to put the learning into action before me!


At the cost of being one week late I hope my happy birthday still applies :-) Thanks for having laid the foundations for this fantastic community!