Anyone have Chilkoot Pass Sourdough Starter?


I'm looking for a source for the Chilkoot Pass sourdough starter (from the 1898 Klondike Gold Rush)

If anyone has it and would be willing to prepare it for mailing by drying as per the following video ...

Please post a reply here.  I'll supply an EMail address to make the arrangements.


Thanks ...

Hi PAHunter62,

Ed Wood seems to be the master of sourdough starter collections from around the world. He has a great website and lists the various starters he maintains.  He has a Yukon starter available for $10.  Hope this helps.  Began my own starter this week.  Will be a couple of days yet before I can bake with it but it looking all happy and bubbly with a hint of yeasty aromoa.  I am hopeful. For the Yukon go to:

Good luck,



I believe I've read in a number of places that regardless of what starter you start out with, before too long your own local airborne yeasts take over. So whatever advantage -- real or perceived -- the "name brand" starter provided in the beginning, it's no longer in the mix. If that's true, then buying a starter is not worth it. Obviously, thinks that's not true. I'm not all that knowledgeable about bought cultures. Does anyone else care to weigh in on this?


Whether local yeast or bacteria take over is debatable. Yet the flour and water used to refresh the starter will determine the eventual taste profile. Remember each flour comes with its own variety of wild yeast and bacteria. Did the original starter contain organic flour? Percent protein? Level of ash? If you were able to duplicate the ingredients, technique, atmospheric conditions, etc; only then could the starter remain close to the original.
