Cashew and chia with 16% ryemeal sourdough

Profile picture for user yozzause

Hi folks just recently i was fortunate to be given some flour samples, one in particular that i hve enjoyed using is a course ryemeal. 

I have used it in a sour dough that is based on the rye meal being 500g (16.6%)  i have in the last two batches brought the rye meal and 2 litres of water to the boil  and allowed to cool. in this last batch i also added the chia seed to the boil up

to this is added bakers flour @2.5kgs and sourdough starter coming in at 1 kg, salt at 60g and butter or olive oil at 70g.

Unfortunately the chef that did the boil up for me didn't measure the water precisely and was about 2litres (It is hard to get good help these days) I have been trying to keep my sour dough as 3 parts flour 2 parts water and 1 part starter for the sake of simplicity  and ease of following for the people at work who are getting interested in trying sour dough making. To this i added 500g of cashew nuts, i didnt bother chopping them as i quite like the idea of a decent piece of nut in my slice of bread, and some were going to break up during the final few turns in the mixer.

The dough was then turned out and went through a series of stretch and folds i managed to do it half hourly this time as i took the dough back with me to my office rather than a long walk back to the restaurant bakery area. normally i'd would do the stretch and folds hourly, on this occasion it was over a 3 hour period with the final shaping and placement on boards i use the linen table clothes that are laundered for the resturant and they work well dusted with sharps ,also donated(semolina) and place them in the retarder .

The next morning Friday i come into work early and turn on the combi oven that heats up in 5 or 6 minutes whilst i place my dough pieces onto trays wash and  top with seed and score before placing in the oven with the steam added until the loaf has set

and then baked out i usually start the temperature high as the injection of water vapour shields the dough from the high heat and turn back to 200 degrees C

bread is usually out before the student chefs arrive to take over the kitchen at 8.00am


 other variants that i have tried with the dough remaining basicly the same have been sundried tomatoes at various rates and olives too last wee was pistacchio and pumpkin seed and now this week was cashew and chia we are starting to develop a bit of a theme.

some of the other bakes from a couple of weeks back

my list of taste testers has outstripped supply, but some very intersting trades are being made,

The plumbers cut and folded the trays for the new oven  and the carpenters provide me with ply boards for the  retardation time, and as i said the chefs will prep stuff too, leaving me to do my bit of play time!

It seems it is the time of the return of the TFL lurkers, we have just been in the background, kind regards to all Yozza 

Love that shiny crust. I've never managed that at home . Would I be right in assuming you get that from a combo of fat content and - mostly-  the commercial oven steaming? Might be time to move to lava rocks in the bottom of the oven! Really does look terrif.

Also, lovely translucent shine about the crumb.

Not surprised your taste testers have outstripped supply. And sounds like you have a nice goods-for-services exchange system in place. Way to go!


Hello yozza,
Sounds like you've been adding lots of tasty things to your dough!
Wanted to say *thank you* for the cashew idea. I've never once thought of adding these delicious nuts to bread, and now I have a splendid gift idea, to bake a bread using them for my friend who adores cashews.
Thanks again!
:^) from breadsong

Hi Yozza,

Fantastic looking breads, and some lovely additions for full flavor I'm sure.

It's really great to have you back here on TFL, along with Larry, of course

Very best wishes


Hi everyone thanks for your comments

firstly Ross  the shine is also partly due to the fact that i mix up a paste using cornflour and water brought to the boil to thicken, i  find that the seed will  stick really well, it also has the advantage of softening the dough skin which allows it to stretch easier when it hits the oven, it also gives it a little protection from the initial heat blast and of course does assist with the shine.

The combo oven is a great oven and the steam is generated  by injection of water into  the fan arrangement seems to work fine and the main thing is that because i go in early to bake off the sour dough from the previous day it heats up fast.

Breadsong thankyou too, i must say that when you do a similar dough for a few weeks then you seem to be able to nail it pretty well and then the other things that can be added are quite infinate, the cashews where sitting there and  when talking to the testers we started with additions that shared the same letters hence cashew and chia, pistacchio and pumpkin seed.

Nuts are a super addition and i used pecans in a fruit dough with apricots and raisins and very happy with the combination.

I think i will have to try macadamia and perhaps dried mango that we can get from the asian shops here.  

Thanks Andy it is nice to be back although in truth i was only in the background , it is nice to see Larry back and Ross too , there does seem to a prodigous amount of good stuff appearing on TFL too, if you dont check for a few days there is quite a lot that has been posted. It is confirmed we are coming to the UK next year for the royal rendezvous for the queens jubilee, 3 cunard queens in Southampton, so we have a month on 3 cruises commencing May 8th followed by 2 months visiting family and friends! all around the country.

kind regards Derek