They don't have to be your favorites, just the stalwarts, the ones you find yourself baking over and over again.
I guess mine would be:
- Olive Bread, Breads of the La Brea Bakery, Nancy Silverton. Why? I love olives and this is a near-perfect sourdough loaf.
- Fig-Anise Bread, Breads of the La Brea Bakery, Nancy Silverton. Why? Bike food; very dense and sweet; I can slice it like biscotti and it doesn't fall apart when I go cycling; also, I could live on dried figs.
- Pain Beaucaire, The Breads of France, Bernard Clayton. Why? Buttery mini-loaves for sandwiches; not unlike baguette, but somehow easier, better, more consistent.
- 60% Rye, Bread, Jeffery Hamelman. Why? I love pastrami on rye and Reuben sandwiches.
- White Bread Variation 1, Bread Baker's Apprentice, Peter Reinhart. Why? Makes the world's best toast (and French toast).
1) House bread: 20% AP, 40% stoneground local WW rye, 40% stoneground local WW, ~15% pate fermentee, about 70% hydration and some pumpkin seeds.
2) Plain, white, lo-salt bread: 70% hydration straight dough with about 15-20% pate fermentee.
3) Bertinet's Olive white w/cheese: Whenever I ask someone if they want their bread of choice, this comes up most often.
4) Bertinet's Olive white w/cheese and salami
5) Bertinet's sorta-light-brioche sweet dough recipe: Adapting it w/different dried fruits and/or chocolate chips.
Those sound wonderful. Which Bertinet book should I buy?
Strange that I've never made something with meat and cheese, those jalapeno, sausage, and cheese loaves being so popular in my youth.
His first book "Dough" starts with basic informations on ingredients, tools, terminology,etc. and instructions for his basic techniques, like kneading, shaping, baking, etc. They all come with very good photos to accompany the texts, and if you're not yet familiar with French kneading technique (Slap & Fold) he uses throughout his books, it may be a good idea to get this one first.
After the first sections for those basics, there're five sections to follow, each featuring one kind of dough (white dough, dough with olive oil, brown -ww- dough, rye dough and sweet dough) with lots of variations for each. They are all dry yeast based with some with some kind of pre-ferments (though he doesn't really goes into the details of 'pre-ferments.' It's just introduced within a formula gently, without intimidating the readers by complicated explanations.)
His second, "Crust" is built on what he had written in his first book, but it also has the basic info section at the beginning, but in a slightly more concise fashion than the first one. The second section, "Slow" of this book is introducing the readers to sourdough (with detailed instruction for how to make/maintain it) and various types of other pre-ferments and techniques, like poolish, pate-fermente (he uses English translation, 'fermented dough') autolyse, with represetative recipes for each of them.
Then follows a section called "Different" which features other kinds of breads with various flours (spelt, rye, buckwheat, grape flour, khorason flour, chestnut flour, etc.) ingredients or styles (ciabatta, bagels, pretzels, etc).
The last section is for sweet dough based breads.
Both books come with DVD which really helps to watch and learn from M.Bertinet himself in action. (though it's really short video. Wish they were a bit longer....)
Hope this helps. ;)
Was revisiting this thread and noticed your very detailed response to my question about Bertinet's books.
Much appreciated!
Thank you.
Haven't bought either yet, but did buy his 2006 Pains gourmands, which is a treasure.
(He likes his olives. Me too. Must get the above to try his Olive Whites.)
You can't go wrong going with either Dough or Crust.
Tartine Basic Country Bread
Proth5's Bear-guettes (from TFL)
Cinnamon-Raisin-Walnut Bread (from Bread Baker's Apprentice)
Curry-Onion-Cheese Bread (from The Cheese Board Collective Works)
San Francisco Country Sourdough (my take on pain de campagne)
But I think bagels are going to rise to the top 5 pretty quick.
I love that bread too.
I should make it more often.
I sometimes replace the raisins with chopped, pitted dates and the walnuts with roasted pecans; changing nothing else.
Tip. Chop the dates into 1/3" chunks and freeze them overnight before using them in the dough. If they're not frozen, they get "smushed" into the dough. These days I just hand-knead the dates into the dough to avoid "smushed dates".
Currently, my top five would be:
1. San Joaquin Sourdough
2. SFBI Miche
3. Pain au Levain from Hamelman's "Bread"
4. Cinnamon-Raisin-Walnut Bread from Reinhart's BBA
5. 100% Whole Wheat Bread, also from BBA
After the first 3, it gets hard, because there is another 5 or more breads I make as often as numbers 4. and 5., including:
6. Jewish Sour Rye from Greenstein's "Secrets of a Jewish Baker"
7. Baguettes (with one of several formulas)
8. Bagels (either from BBA or IJB)
9. SD version of Reinhart's Italian Bread from BBA
10. Challah (with one of several formulas)
1) 45/45/10: AP/Bread/Whole Rye, 68% Hydration, Bread Flour levain. 2) 50/50: Bread/WW, 67% Hyd., WW levain. 3) Sourdough biscuits ala Cookie (all natural levain, no baking powder or baking soda).
The breads are made in a non-retarded version wherein 28% of the flour, either Bread flour or WW, is prefermented in the levain, and a overnight retarded version wherein 14% of the flour is prefermented in the levain.
Straight Dough: Overnight baguettes, various hydrations between 65% and 72%
Bread Machine (Dough cycle): Alternating all-white or 40% WW sandwich bread
David G
but currently:
1. Pugliese (formula similar to the one in Carol Field's Italian Baker)
2. German style Mischbrot (see my post) with various % of rye
3. DiMuzio's San Francisco Sourdough (with wholewheat variations)
4. French bread (Baguette dough in different shapes)
5a. Hamelman's Levain with mixed starters
5b. Pane al Cioccolate from Carol Field's Italian Baker
5c. Hokkaido milky bread
Hi, Juergen!
I have a few questions I'd like to ask you, if I may....
Question 1 : Do you have any good formula for Landbrot? Waitrose used to do quite nice one aaaages ago, but they changed the recipe a while ago to massproduce it and it's not as nice as before any more. I have one recipe from one of the bread books I own, but it's dry yeast based and, again, doesn't have much depth or complexity as Waitrose's old Landbrot used to have.
Question 2 : I have several recipes for Mischbrot from a bread book I bought ages ago, written by a Japanese baker who were trained in Germany, and many of them include plain yogurt. This particular book was written for general public without sourdough, so all the recipes in the book are dry yeast based. I've been wondering if inclusion of yoghurt is quite common for Mischbrot or she was trying to emulate the sourness of sourdough based bread by using yogurt, or are Mischbrot usually made with dry yeast anyway, like your formula?
Hi Lumos,
Let me answer Q2 first:
The formula in my blog are quite generic and definitely authentic, I developed them from formula given (in an even more generic way) by a German baker from the town of Erfurt who was a member of the "slowbaking" movement. A link to his blog is in my post.
I would say the yoghurt is not an authentic ingredient for Mischbrot, although the "Leitsaetze fuer Brot" document speifies the term Mischbrot only by the use of rye AND wheat flours.
Also, as discussed in my blog and in another of my posts the yeast is optional and its main function is to create a predictable and manageable schedule for baking in a production environment. If you load your deck oven to capacity once every hour you can't do that without commercial yeast, but the effect on taste and texture I found to be neglegiable.
To Q1: Landbrot is a very undefined thing - usually you have a town or region associated with it:
Basler Landbrot, Elsaesser Landbrot, Berliner Landbrot, Paderborner Landbrot etc.
They are all completely incomparable breads.
Here a formula for Paderborner Landbrot which I made several times, it's quite dense but keeps well and is tasty if you like rye breads:
Straight formula: Medium Rye: 85%, Strong WhiteWheat: 15%Water: 60%, Salt 1.4%, Instant Yeast 0.3%
Prefermented rye flour: 33%, Hydration of preferment 50% (I like to use wholegrain rye for the preferment)
Dough temperature ca. 28C
Bulk fermentation ca. 45 min (until doubled)
Shape gently with wet(!) hands for loaf tin (don't expect any gluten. This bread doesn't do so well freestanding, loaf tin is traditional for this bread)
final rise: 20min, Brush with water and dock with a fork, then bake at 230C (60min for 1kg loaf) until chocolate brown.
After taking out of the oven brush with water immediately. Wait for 24 hours before cutting.
Happy Baking,
Thank, Juergen.
I see..... I know Landbrot literally means 'bread of land,' so maybe it's just like Pain de Campagne in France, with every region/village has its own verson of Landbrot? The one Waitrose used to have definitely had rye in but probably in much smaller potion than your forumula because it wasn't that heavy. So, you can almost make up your own version of 'Landbrot' as you please, then? Am I right in thinking rye sour is commonly used as pre-ferment?
As for yoghurt in Mischbrot recipes in my book.....I checked my book after I posted above, and realized I got completely mixed up. It was actually 'Yogurtbrot' (the spelling could be wrong. It's written in Japanese) from Austria, which was on the same page as Austrian Mischbrot. (Can I hear MiniOven's footsteps approaching? :p)
German Mischbrot formulae in the books are Weizenbrot, Fladenmischbrot, Roggenmischbrot and none of them has yogurt in it. Sorry, I hadn't used that book for ages (bought more than 25 years ago!), so I got completely confused.
These are the bread list from one of many German bakeries in Japan.
Heavy Rye breads
Light Rye breads
Do they look authentic enough for you?
to see German breads from a Japanese bakery. They look quite authentic, though, much more so than any (so called) German breads I have seen in American bakeries.
And Jürgen is right - "Landbrot" means nothing else but "country bread", it is completely up to the individual bakery what fancy names they want to give their breads. The term "Landbrot" usually suggests a more rustic bread with some rye or other whole grains (in whatever ratio), as opposed to Weissbrot (white bread).
Karin (originally from Hamburg/Germany)
Die haben sogar Kommisbrot!
This is a bread traditionally made for the military, but has a solid following among the German civilians for its strong taste and good keeping qualities. Typically 50:50 dark wheat/dark rye
Guten Morgen, Juergen.
Yeah, the note below on that bread says, 'This bread was eaten by army in old days.' The owner of the bakery must've been trained by one of 'solid German civlian followers.' :p Theirs has 90% rye (wholegrain), so it must be really, really heavy.....
Hi Lumos,
Incidentally I made my first Detmolder 3 stage loaf yesterday - Hamelman's 90% rye.
It feels surprisingly light - very pleasant crumb. And a symphony of taste.
And a note to Bertinet's "Dough": I watched the DVD over and over again onmy commute to London, and followed his hand movements with my hands (other commuters might have thought I'm crazy). This was one thing that took my baking to a higher level.
The slap and flold works best for me with dough above 68% hydration
Hi, Juergen,
Got to check Hamelman's Detmolder, then. I might've done, but if I did, probably I dismissed it straightaway thinking it'd be too heavy for my taste. (though I used to love really heavey German rye bread when I was younger.....It must be one of those 'age-thing'.....:p)
I wanted to watch you practicing Bertinet's slap&fold in a commuter train. :D
I love that method, too. It's quite therapeutic in a strange way. That was my regular way of kneading until I discovered S & F in a bowl. Some one warned not to do that late at night, or your neighbour may start wondering what you're up to. :p
I've already told this to Daisy somewhere in the forum, but that kneading method started in France in olden days when bakers bulked up the dough with high percentage of water to make more money using same amount of flour. Their wheat is soft, so it made the dough too wet and sticky, picking it up from a large trough they put the dough in and slap & folding was the only way to knead it sufficiently without straining their arms and backs too much. So yes, it only works for higher hydration dough. It needs to be wet enough to stick to the work surface. The only setback about that method is if you dough contains fillings like grains and seeds, they tend to fly away everytime you slap the dough. :p
Thanks, Karin. :)
Have you heard a notorious reputation about Japanese being a copy cat? :p
We got a strong influence from Germany in late 19th - early 20th century (when we were 'chums' during those wars...:p) in breadmaking before French and American influence became stronger after the WWII, so even now we still have a lot of German style backerei, as many as French style boulangeries, in Japan and lots of young, aspiring bakers go to Germany to learn their crafts (some of them never came back....:p).
We have hardly any German bakery in UK (Please correct me, if I'm wrong, Jeurgen. ;)), so that's another bready-thing I miss about Japanese food scene. The only German style bread you can get easily is pre-sliced rye breads in plastic packet, usually already stale when you buy it. Or from food hall from posh department stores in London, like Selfridges and Harrods (= costs much more to get there than the actual price of bread).
The Landbrot Waitrose used to have wasn't very heavy, so I'm guessing the amount of rye in it was quite small. Could be rye-sour based but not much rye/ww in the main dough. I'll try some variations in mixing flour and see if I can conjure up something similar to that.
Thanks for the advice, Karin.
btw 'Hamburg steak' is very popular in Japan, too. Not that kind of 'hamburger' you eat in a bun or as BBQ, but our version is grilled/fried one sitting on a plate with brown sauce. Am I right in thinking the real, authentic one in Hamburg is chopped up raw steak, like Tartar steak?
Quite interesting, Lumos, I had no idea. I only knew that German breweries expanded all over the world.
I never heard about a Hamburg steak. The raw, chopped steak is usualy called "Steak Tatar", but it's not that popular. What you find on menus in Kneipen (= pubs), as down to earth, comfort food, is "Strammer Max" (= buff Max), a grilled meatball on a roll with a "Spiegelei" (egg sunny side up) on top.
Perhaps Waltrose would like my Feinbrot - it is a kind of "Landbrot", a wheat/rye sourdough.
If she doesn't like a tangy bread, you could bake her a "Lübecker", a similar rustic bread, but without sourdough:
Happy baking,
Thanks for your formulae, Karin! LOL Waitrose is the name of the supermarket I religiously buy most of my foods from, the one I used to buy Landbrot. ;) Looking at the photos on your blog, I think the rye/ww content in their Landbort were even lower than yours. The crumb had much lighter colour. But yours look really yummy, nonetheless, so I'll sure to try them one day. Thanks!
Re: Hamburger steak ... these are the photos of 'Hamburger steaks' served in many restaurants in Japan. Virtually every generic 'Western-style' restaurant has one or two of that sorts on the menu, ever since late 19th century when 'Western'-style restaurants started popping up here and there in Japan. The typical sauce is French demi-glace (a sort of brown sauce), so I think some chefs got mixed up. :p But, whatever the true origin is, it's so popular there're even restaurants specialised in it. If you look at Japanese guide books on Germany or blogs about Germany, there's always a warning to tell people not to expect to get 'authentic' Hamburger steak in Hamburg as Japanese know of, because such a thing does not exist.
The same for "Baumkuchen" which is to us Japanese, a quintessential German cake, of which you'd probably say it isn't. :p
I thought your wife had such an nice sounding unusual name - now I'm quite desillusioned :(
Baumkuchen is really a specialty cake, the best one comes supposedly from the city of Salzwedel, not at all what you get in every bakery. It is difficult to make, nothing for a home baker, and I never cared overmuch for it (being rather dry), had Baumkuchenspitzen (Baumkuchen tips) only in its chocolate covered version around Christmas time.
A quintessential German cake would be, for example, Frankfurter Kranz, Bienenstich, Butterkuchen, Streuselkuchen, Pflaumentorte and others.
This is the second time, today. Why so many (well...just two, so far...:p) seem to think I'm a bloke? Actually, I am a wife, to my husband. :p
Yeah, the guide books and blogs warn Japanese tourists not to expect to see Baumkuchen in every cake shop in every town in Germany. But it's quite popular in Japan since it was introduced in early 19th century by this German baker. The company he established is still thriving today, one of the major large scale German-style confectionary in Japan.
But don't worry, these days Japanese people know other types of German cakes, too. Actually quite a lot of bakers still go to Germany to learn the art of German cake making, as well as the breads. ;)
I apologize for going off topic, but would you know where I could find a good recipe for Frankfurter Kranz?
It is my wife's favorite cake and I have struggled to find one that she or I are happy with.
How about this one - it's from my favorite German cooking magazine "essen & trinken", I haven't tried it myself, yet, but most of their recipes are good.
375 g unsalted butter, softened (divided)
250 g sugar (divided)
1 sachet vanilla sugar or 1 tsp. vanilla extract
grated zest of 1 lemon
4 eggs
200 g all-purpose flour
50 g cornstarch
3 tsp. baking powder
1 package vanilla pudding powder
500 ml milk
150 g good quality cherry jam
200 g hazelnuts, chopped (for topping)
1 tbsp. butter (for topping)
6 tbsp. sugar (for topping)
To make the batter:
Preheat oven to 175 C/350 F. Adjust rack to second lowest position. Grease and flour a 1 1/2 litre ring pan.
Cream together 125 g of the butter, 150 g of the sugar, vanilla sugar or extract and lemon zest, until very foamy. Add eggs, one by one, and mix until blended. Sift together flour, starch and baking powder, and add to batter. Mix until combined.
Pour batter in ring pan, smooth with spatula. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Let cool on wire rack.
To make the filling:
In a small bowl, mix vanilla pudding powder, remaining 100 g sugar and 6 tbsp. of the milk. In a sauce pan, bring remaining milk to a boil, stir in vanilla pudding mixture, let come to a boil again, remove from heat, and let cool, stirring now and then.
In a bowl, whisk remaining 150 g butter until foamy. Add cooled vanilla pudding, tablespoon by tablespoon, stirring after each addition until blended.
To make the hazelnut topping:
Brush a piece of aluminum foil with vegetable oil.
Let butter and sugar melt in skillet. Stir in hazelnuts and let caramelize, until they just start to smell roasted. Transfer at once to the prepared aluminum foil and let cool. If nuts stick together in clumps, break them apart with roller pin.
To assemble cake:
Cut cooled cake twice horizontally. Brush each lower layer with 50 g of the cherry jam, then cover with a quarter of the vanilla filling. Put layers back together, and cover with remaining half of vanilla cream. Sprinkle with hazelnut croquant and garnish with remaining cherry jam.
Thank you, I can't wait to try it!
1) 100% whole wheat sourdough bread with flax and sesame seeds. The flour and seeds are soaked overnight in a mixture of water and whey, then mixed with the active starter in the morning. I use about 100% hydration starter, at 50% weight compared to the flour. The final hydration of the dough is somewhat variable, but is about 70%.
This bread is our staple. We use it for sandwiches, for eating with meals, and after it has gone stale and/or begun to mold, for bread puddings and as a thickener in stews. I freeze it when it reaches that state. I learned the hard way to slice it before freezing. It is very, very hard to cut a couple of slices off a frozen loaf. *laugh*
Since we are only two people, there is little chance for even trying a second type, let alone making four other types very often. I find flavorings in the 100% whole wheat, such as orange juice and turmeric, to be an interesting change but my husband is uncertain about using the flavored bread for sandwiches. We did try a 100% whole rye sourdough. It was interesting, but not our style as far as texture. I am currently trying small amounts of rye and/or barley in the whole wheat bread. Adding them as flour changed the bread too much, in my opinion, but there is still hope for adding them as flakes or as cracked grain.
If I had to add a #2, it would be 100% whole wheat sourdough pizza. This is definitely thick crust pizza.
Everything else I make with flour is in the form of cakes, cookies, and pasta. Some of the cakes and cookies use starter, but with baking soda. The pasta is of course unleavened.
I never thought about slicing the loaf before freezing it.
I end up defrosting a whole loaf (because I can't slice it when frozen) and, of course, eating the entire thing (when all I wanted was a slice or two).
How about I spend a month at each of your houses eating your breads? I'd be a low maintenance house guest and would bring my own butter and bread knife ...
1. Pain de Campagne almost-Dijon
2. Faux Poilane
3. Sourdough WW bagels (Will blog about it soon)
4. Petit Pain Rustique with Parmesan and Edamame (Will blog about it relatively soon)
5. Various kinds of focaccia, usually sourdough-based, occasionally poolish-based as the one sitting in the fridge as we speak.
....... and sourdough muffin with WW and Sourdough WW and Cocoa-flavoured sourdough with Cranberries and Walnuts and Hamelinett Poolish baguettes and various variations of other Pain de Campagne-style loaves constantly fighting for the sixth place.....oh, and sourdough pitta/flatbreads of all sorts to go with eastern Mediterraean/Middle East/North African foods. :p
1. 100% whole wheat sandwich bread - Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads (water for liquid) and lots of multigrain variations
2. Sourdough white batards, AP/Bread flour blend, 78% hydration, 30% starter (1:1)
3. Roasted Hazelnut Whole Wheat with Raisins - a blend of Hamelman and Reinhart recipes
4. Ciabatta - Jason's quick
5. Poolish white batards, same as no. 2 but with poolish (1:1) with cheese and jalapeno or bacon variations
double post
This is a great topic! My favorites are:
1. Cinnamon Rolls. I will write up and post the recipe here in the near future. The recipe has gone thru a lot of tweaking. I got the original recipe from a bed and breakfast book, the recipe was titled 60 minute cinnamon roll. I've done move fast enought to get them made in an hour, but close to it and they are amazingly good for such a short time - start to finish.
2. No Knead Bread. Lots of variations on the basic recipe (Jalapeno, Garlic, Apple, Cranberry, Sourdough).
3. Focaccia from Reinhart's BBA. Really a wonderful Bread.
4. Onion and Wild Rice from Reinhart's Artisan Bread Every Day.
5. Bagels from BBA/Bialys (recipe has been posted to TFL).
Autumn is well on it way and requires cinnamon roll recipes.
1. Focaccia (this one I can make with my eyes closed, done countless times, from No Need to Knead)
2. Pizza Dough from Fine Cooking (not exactly a bread, but qualifies to be here, as I do it all the time, also the recipe I use for grilled pizza)
3. Vermont Sourdough with Whole Wheat (the whole series from Hamelman, in fact, but this is a good example, I do it all the time)
4. White Levain Bread from Dan Lepard (the first bread I made with a sourdough starter, haven't blogged about it, but I also make it often)
5. Hamburger buns (a recipe from the internet, haven't blogged about it, it's my default for hamburger buns)
Baguette, for the challenge and for the variations in a basic formula
Multigrain, for the taste and for cleaning out the fridge
Silverton's Walnut, best in class and great with cheese
Any wet-ish country style loaf, again, for the challenge and the variations
Any rye, because I am a novice and each one is a learning experience
And for good luck, foccaccia, because it is an easy, dependable accompaniement to a meal
Almost put Silverton's Walnut in my original list, but I avoid making it these days because, when I do, I eat both loaves in less than 2 days. Best in class, indeed. :D
My top five or rather, my son's top favorites.....
1. Olive Bread - The Bread Bible
2. Herb Bread - Daniel Leader
3. Italian White Bread - TFL
4. Eric's Fav Rye - TFL
5. Still searching.....
Pretty much all Italian:
1 Hamelman's 5 grain with rye sourdough.
2.Hamelman's Vermont sourdough
3. Variation on Lepard's Barley & rye w sourdough
4. 1,2,3 sourdough w various grains
5. Silverton's rye sourdough w currants tied w Hamelman's 40% rye w caraway.
Great topic but so very hard to narrow down as I am still baking up a storm and all loaves disappear almost as soon as they are baked....but I will try with what is 'hot' this week :-)
1- San Francisco Sourdough -Formula off of an instruction sheet that came with the SD.
2- Barley Rye SD - Dan Leopard' formula from HML
3- Whole Grain Sandwich Loaf - From WGB. I take great liberties with this loaf by adding different flours and cinnamon and raisins...It is a great basic sandwich loaf.
4- Whole Grain Bagels - ALso from WGB.
5- Columbia's Essential SD - From Maggie Glesser's book - ABAA
6 - Pain Au Chocolate - This should be at the top of my list but I won't bake it weekly - too much of a good thing not so good for the teenagers or husband...The formula is from ABAP by Suas. (In the text 'chocolate' is spelled in French and I can't remember how to spell it and lack the motivation at the moment to walk to the book shelf and find out.....been on my feet all day - baking of course :*)
I know, I cheated and added a 6th....good thing the OP limited it to just 5 or, I am sure, lots of us would have lists that could fill a whole screen :-0
I'm currently limiting myself to just three formulas, in order to try to improve my techniques. Two come from Theresa Greenway's site (Basic Northwest Sourdough and her Mother Dough loaf) and my own whole wheat sandwich bread. By doing the same ones again and again, I am finally, finally, getting some consistent successes. Sorry the picture quality isn't so good. This was yesterday's Northwest Sourdough loaf, with a little whole wheat added.
1. Our standard sandwich loaf: "Beginner's Bread", a honey whole-wheat bread recipe published by Moore's Flour Mill in Oregon (Now Red Mill ...yes, the one you've heard of). It's a standard "really good" well balanced loaf that the kids really like and we generally make it with white whole-wheat and whole-wheat instead of white bread flour plus whole wheat.
2. Jason's Quick Coccodrillo Ciabata. How good it turns out in spite of what would appear to be an oxidizing fast beating of the dough is amazing ...same day results from when you start the bread too. The family just loves this bread.
3. Vermont Sourdough by Hamelman
4. Hamelman's pumpernickel (can't remember the actual title)
5. San Francisco sourdough french bread
6. Sourdough whole-wheat bread, especially for french toast
...And the list will change as I expand my repertoire and experience. :)