This morning, while preparing my breakfast, I was shocked to discover mold (black mold and white mold) on my sliced bread. I baked the bread on august 17, and today is august 20. It's a bread made with 60% spelt flour, 10% rye, and 30% bread flour. I used Apple Yeast Water, no sourdough starter, no commercial yeast. The taste is, I mean was, wonderful, with a fragrant grainy aroma.I put half in the freezer, and other half I left it on the kitchen counter, for daily eating.
It's the second time this happens, first time was two weeks ago, with a similar bread (spelt and yeast water). I never have this problem before with my sourdoughs, not even with my yeast water white breads.
I stored the bread like I always do, wrapped in kitchen papers and put in a plastic bag that is left opened.
The weather was very hot lately, indeed, but... mold, after 2-3 days???
Does anyone had the same problem? Is it because of yeast water, of splet flour, or is it because of the hot temperature, or the way I stored it?
All responses would be much appreciated. Thank you
I'd owe it to the hot and humid weather... Dry climates, on the other hand, preserve bread. I fyou can't be sure of the atmosphere humidity level in you kitchen (you could buy an inexpensive handy hygrometer for that), then its better to refrigerate, or freeze your slice bread.
Yet i would add ,that yeast water cultures do not contain enough organic acids (lactic / acetic) that naturally preserve a loaf, as grain-based sourdough cultures do. Therefore, yeast water -based loaves are best preserved frozen.
Hope this helps,
on the crumbs and thought it may have been brought about by my lousy kneading or an early sign of mold. It's not the crust but on the crumb surface where it feels a little sticky. I usully keep it in the fridge after the second day as it's quite hot and humid where I am. That's also one reason why I keep my breads small. - Judy
bread isn't made to live in humidity and plastic encourages the humidity, refridgeration has other problems, I store mine in brown paper bags (you know those things we got before the horrid plastic ones ) loosely closed and on the counter or in a genuine antique bread box from the 1930's metal with little openings (screeened fo course) in the ends so the bread can breathe!
It its way humid, then freeze more of the loaf and don't try to keep it out on the counter.
thank you all for answering. You've been very helpful. I guess you were all right about plastic bag+bread+humid/hot weather not being a good combination, and I suspect yeast water doesn't have the same preserving qualities that sourdough has.