again about my blog in blogger

Hi everybody, Since the buttons don't want to appear when i'm writing my posts at TFL I continue to upload photos on my blog. Sorry that you have to go there but I don't have any other choice. To find my blog the best way is to type Bread and More Bread mock rye bread gluten free. it should bring the right page and then you will see my address i cannot find another way to bring the right page. From there you can see all the posts I had posted from the first one about rice sourdough - may 2011. as well as all the photos of the breads I done since. I have done a water yeast from apple sultanas and dry apricot, it very much alive, i already used a part of the water in my breads and to feed my Rice SD and my Rye SD and the growing is phenomenal. i'm going to try and use different combinations of GL Free flours like this one that is very high protein : 1 1/4 cup of soy flour or chickpea + 1 cup of potato flour + 1 cup of Tapioca Flour + 1 cup of Brown Rice Flour. after mixing them together you use the quantity you need in the recipe you follow. I will post the photos and the results of all my attempt and again I invite you to find my blog and have a look.


This is what comes up when searching:

Blog has been removed

Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.


that's because the URL is no longer, it's actually (as in www is the beginning part of the name, with no dot behind it). Try clicking the link below:

Bee18, perhaps you didn't intend to include the www? If you want, I'm sure you could change your blogger account name so that the www is not there anymore.

thank you :)   Yes, that www is misleading as a title.  I would say that 95% of internet folks will put a colon behind the third w. :)


Anna, I'm in shock that you get this reply when searching for my blog. I don't know which browser you are using but I went to Internet Explorer and type 2 different titles : the first was " rye bread", and the second was "bread and more bread mock rye bread" and they both appeared with no problem. Not a single time I got the frighting reply you got .... I again feel that my blog is like the ferret who disappear and reappear just behind your back in the song we were singing when toddlers. Try again with IE I also tried through Firefox and it worked. Google chrome didn't work as well as the Bing Bar. I really don't know the why. Thank you take interest in my last concoctions of breads. Bee
Thanks YY, I didn't realize that the www were a part of the address ! Since there is another way to find the blog as I explained in my precedent post I don't think that I will go through the headache to try and modify it. I have some troubles already to get on properly with the writing and posting of the blog and need to learn more the how to do... it take time at my age to go through this relatively new techno. What enrage me is that I have not the bar above this window where I could use the buttons and not be in need to have a separated blog. Thank you for your help. Bee

no problem, Bee18! You're doing great, and I hope you continue blogging despite the technical difficulties. Not many people here representing gluten-free baking, so your perspective is very much appreciated.