Bee18's blog

It works !

Hi everybody, I just checked if the address of my blog has been activated by Google and it's a big yes. sorry to the members who had tried several times to reach the blog and had been put in front of the desagreable note that the blog didn't exist or has been removed. So the address is the one I wrote down yesterday : I'm still looking around to learn more about this gluten free or low gluten and the water yeast which can be a good thing for those who are also sensitive to commercial yeast.

more about my water yeast and no more blogspot !

No more blogspot, as my blog have been removed for a reason that I cannot understand. I still can fill posts and still can find my list of posts. I'm like still existing as far as to edit new posts and suddendly dead as nobody can be able to see what I'm trying to send to the air. This is the most incredible saga I ever had. Too tired and upset to look further for help, I decided to transfer my blog to the Domain/Google Host and to pay $10 a year (if you pay surely it should work better ?) and of course I changed my URL.

again about my blog in blogger

Hi everybody, Since the buttons don't want to appear when i'm writing my posts at TFL I continue to upload photos on my blog. Sorry that you have to go there but I don't have any other choice. To find my blog the best way is to type Bread and More Bread mock rye bread gluten free. it should bring the right page and then you will see my address i cannot find another way to bring the right page. From there you can see all the posts I had posted from the first one about rice sourdough - may 2011.

My Blog in

I want to thank all of you. I downloaded Mozilla Firefox. I try to find my blog through and found it just under its address but not exactly as I designed it, which is not important as long as the photos and the text is there.

blog in is not there.... some help is needed

I'm so confuse and angry with this new blog, that I managed to open through Blogger/Google, that I can see when I sign in, that I know that the url address is the one I wrote down yesterday on TFL and that nobody can find when typing the url on a different computer. I browsed the system for hours without finding a sensible answer to this problem, I upgraded my Internet explorer to the new 9,I'm desperate. The TFL site seems not to be compatible anymore with my Win 7 as I cannot get the Bar with the buttons upon the comment box, nor in the create content.

how you can watch the photos I can't upload on TFL site

Hi everybody Out of complete frustration, I decided to got around TLF site, after I realized that I could never get the bar upon the comments box and use the buttons. For some reason clicking disable rich text or reverse don’t help as it did for some others who have the same problem I have. So................I created a BLOG. I saw this little B on the Picasa button and it let me upload my photos after I created a blog through blogger. And it was done.

Pumpernickel bread try nbr. 2

Hi everybody

That it's! now that I know how to pin my photos I can try and write my own blog !  after one year on TFL it was about time. My thanks to Ananda who helped me to sort the problem photo uploading.