How does the flavor of a sourdough rye change after resting?


I've heard quite often that sourdough rye breads benefit from waiting at least 24 hours before eating. What exactly tends to happen in that time, flavorwise, and what chemically is going on?


I've found it to happen with any SD I bake. And yes your right it's chemical/bacterial. Many theories abound, yet I don't think there's a definite/singular one because there's a lot going on in bread, and a lot to be discovered. For now just sit back and enjoy it.


Well, I baked the first of such breads yesterday, (50% rye sd) and today it tastes a good bit more sour. Funny how that works. I still wish I knew why, though!

The moisture from the inside the loaf works to the outside crust and as the loaf is cut, moisture evaporates releasing aromas.  Maybe aromatic esters are formed from the fermentation and sourdough acids in the rye loaf during baking and are released as the bread is exposed to oxygen or the moisture on the tongue.  What do I know?

"Tough doughs differ in ester composition…."
