I left my starter in the fridge without any feedings at all "DUH" for over a year and a half.
It has an inch or more hooch that is very dark. I think it smells sour/vinegary and my husband says it smells like old beer.
Should I dump it out and start over, drain off the hooch and feed, or just stir and feed? Thanks for the help.
Here are some photos:
If it doesn't have mold on it or smell awful, I would pour off the hootch,carefully scrape the surface and try to get a spoonful from the bottom. If there are any yeasty-beasties, that is where they would have hunkered down. Mix the spoonful with a few tablespoons of flour and water and let it sit. If you see activity (bubbles), then feed it again-stir it several times daily-they are invalids,after all, you want to bring the food to them. By day 2-3 you should know if there is any life.
The idea is to increase their population before you start the discard/replenishment step. When you know there is increasing activity, start an aggressive 1/2 discard and feeding. They may come back. At any time it becomes cheesy smelling or moldy-you are culturing undesirables.Find a final resting place (mulch pile?)
Thanks very much for your help. I will do as you suggest and see how it goes.
:) Susie
I would just stir the old starter with the hooch (it is flavorful). Feed a quarter cup of the mixture with equal weights of AP unbleached flour and water. Do this on a daily basis until you get activity. If the old yeast and lactobacteria do not revive, then you will probably start a new culture.
Too late. I already got rid of it. What was left was nice and sour smelling. :)
Thanks for the advice though. If it ever happens again, I'll try it your way.