Any Sourdough breakfast recipes that DON'T require overnight prep??


Hi al, I have seen breakfast recipes that require you to make an overnight prep., or 8 hr prep etc.. anything you can make with the starter you take out in the morning for your starters morning feed?  I would love a recipe that I can use straight away, possibly un-planned, first thing in the morning!  Any ideas? 





I make waffles sometimes.  Just add milk, egg, salt, butter (or oil) vanilla and sugar to 1 cup flour.  The amounts depend on your preferences, but mine are:

1 cup starter, 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk, 1 egg, 2-3 TBS melted butter, pinch of salt, 1/3 cup sugar (or maple syrup), 1 teaspoon vanilla, and cinnamon if I'm in the mood.


All of this is true but ... if you want to do something on the spur of the moment with a natural starter, you have to keep it consistantly refreshed.  Even pancakes will fall flat if you try to coax semi-serious activity out of a week old starter.

Yes, absolutely!  Which is what I'm trying to use.. but can't find very many recipes..  I give my starter it's last feed sometime late at night before I hit the sack..  in the morning, I typically wake to a frothy, bubbly starter that I then take most out and refrigerate it!  LOL!  Doesn't make sense to me, I should be able to take it out of the jar and use it for something for breakfast? no?  But it seems not very many recipes do this.. most seem to require an additional "sponge" recipe. I'd like to just use active starter in the morning! 


The Pancake recipe above came out great! 

You can always add a little bit of commercial yeast to your dough to speed up the process, but it isn't really quick. Anyway, I would suggest something like a sourdough quick bread that has baking powder.

