So I was gonna make a Braided Scali Bread and set up my starter the night before. I never got around to making the bread and I've had this starter sitting on my counter for over a week now. Is it still useable? If so, for what?
Oh, my ingredients for the starter were:
1 c Bread Flour
1tsp Active Yeast
1/2 c water
Thanks for your help!
how does it smell?
as long as it doesn't smell too alcohol-y or off in some way, just incorporate it into your next loaf, or into some pancake batter. Shouldn't really hurt anything.
it's probably not going to taste as good as a ripe starter, but I guess better than going in the garbage...but be prepared to lose a loaf in case you don't like the outcome.
Divide it, feed it, and see what develops.