Which starter? Are they the same, in the same kitchen?


Via Tartine and Peter Reinhart, I have entered the world of wild yeasts.

After two weeks of faithful feeding, my tartine starter didn't seem like it was taking off.  So, I kept feeding it and started another one in a separate bowl using Reinhart's recipe.  To my delight, the Tartine started floated for the first time in water and seems to be growing happier each day.  The Reinhart starter is also coming along nicely.

Here is my question:  Will both starters taste and respond the same given that I am using the same flour, storing it in the same spot in the kitchen, using the same water, etc.

The big difference between the two starter methods is that Reinhart's starter called for pineapple juice for the first few days.  

I would appreciate any insights that you might have.



Let experience be your guide. I can tell you that from my experience, different starters taste and behave differently, despite the same feeding schedule in the same environment. 

I had a Carl Griffiths starter that I got from a friend, I fed it on the same schedule and baked with it, but it didn't taste as good nor did it bake as well as one I developed from Nancy Silverton's LBB starter recipe, and fed the same way with the same frequency. 

Once your starters are established, bake with them, and I wouldn't be surprised if you find a favorite. 




I've had the same experience.  I've been using Sourdoughs International's Red Sea Starter for over a year and it is definitely different (milder and a different taste) than the wild yeast starters that I've made and used.