To fridge or not to fridge


I'm a bit confused--using ABED seed culture/mother culture instructions.   Everything has gone swimmingly and much more quickly than I thought it would and I've created the mother culture, per the directives in the book.   

The book now says to put the mother in the fridge and it will be good for 5-days.  While looking around for more info, I see that many others keep the starter out and feed it daily. (?)   I'm assuming this is better?   I understand it will get better in time, no rush to use it just yet.

So, keep it out and feed it daily for a few weeks, correct?   I just put them (2, one for a friend) in the fridge as the book said.

Thank you for clearing up my confusion.   This starter is rather tacky but like a large, expanded ball rather than a batter.

I'll probably use it every 3-4 days.