I have been baking all kinds of white flour based goodies and enriched breads and my system was begging for something more substantial to digest. I needed something whole wheat! My last bake was whole wheat pitas to eat with hummus on New Year's Eve,WW sandwich thins and 2 long baguettes of French (I had 1 ziploc of a mise en place mix I had put in a ziploc for my massive Christmas bake).
Two recipes from Jeff Hamelman's book. The Oatmeal Bread--yeasted--worked well, but the Pain au Levain was a stubborn riser (it's chilly in Philly!) and we had a party to attend. So it's retarding in the fridge and I'm hoping for the best in this new year.
Rye in my favorite ratio recipe with a little wheat bread flour. Kamut berries (soaked) green pumpkin seeds (soaked) roasted sesame & sunflour seeds, chia seeds, bread spices and walnut rye altus:
Hello and Happy New Year! I tried three formulas from Bread by Mr. Hamelman, for the end of 2010. This was a relaxing, enjoyable time in the kitchen, time I was grateful for as the year drew to a close. - from breadsong
My last bake for the year was a Hamelman Pain au Levain with extra rye. Baked boldly then cubed for a classic cheese fondue on New Years day. The family enjoyed this wonderful dipping of hearty bread in a trio of soft cheeses as the cold winter wind blew hard outside. A simple and reliable recipe that is just what I needed following a long Holiday season.
Last year I promised myself as a sort of resolution, to learn how to bake rye breads. After a year of increased attention to rye, I'm better but not comfortable yet in the various combination's of ingredients and baking methods. Therefore, I renew my intention to further my skills in using what is in my mind the most delicious and flavorful grain I have used. More rye breads for 2011 !!! Happy New Year!
See the pictures.
The first was a country loaf from "Bread". That was spurred by FloydM's Rustic Loaf recipe.
Then a Pain au Levain
and a sourdough walnut and raisin.
Yeast is in the air everywhere.
And it's "Goodbye, 2010". Great finish, foodslut! Those are some very nice loaves. I especially like the multi-grain baguettes.
Here's my finale:
See my blog post on this bread here.
I have been baking all kinds of white flour based goodies and enriched breads and my system was begging for something more substantial to digest. I needed something whole wheat! My last bake was whole wheat pitas to eat with hummus on New Year's Eve,WW sandwich thins and 2 long baguettes of French (I had 1 ziploc of a mise en place mix I had put in a ziploc for my massive Christmas bake).
Now what will be my first bake of the year?
later grilled with a bit of olive oil and garlic to sop up New Year's eve chili while enjoying a lovely glass of Merlot.
after the poopy seed stollen and the lebkuchen were eaten, some other sweet, comforting treat had to help us through the blizzard.
Happy New Year,
No photos, but I baked Baguettes for a new years party. Sliced thin and toasted they were fabulous!
Happy 2011 to all
Two recipes from Jeff Hamelman's book. The Oatmeal Bread--yeasted--worked well, but the Pain au Levain was a stubborn riser (it's chilly in Philly!) and we had a party to attend. So it's retarding in the fridge and I'm hoping for the best in this new year.
Great question!
Here are my final loaves:
Reinhart's Transitional Multigrain Sandwich Bread
Reinhart's Soft Cheese Bread
Rye in my favorite ratio recipe with a little wheat bread flour. Kamut berries (soaked) green pumpkin seeds (soaked) roasted sesame & sunflour seeds, chia seeds, bread spices and walnut rye altus:
Happy New Year Everyone!
Mini, that looks awesome! Would you share the recipe?
Happy New Year,
Rye fantastic mini, no wonder there's little left!
Best wishes
Mini, that bread looks fabulous. What a combination and distribution of goodies in the crumb! from breadsong
Yes, yes, recipe please :)
:) Thanks for the complements guys! Got the Kamut and green seeds soaking already.
While at my daughter's house in Colorado, breads from the last week of 2010 included:
Cinnamon Rolls (from Reinhart's Bread Baker's Apprentice)
Sweet Vanilla Challah (from Hensperger's The Bread Bible)
Cranberry Orange Scones (found on-line)
French bread (just winged it)
Orange Cinnamon-Swirl Bread (also from Hensperger's The Bread Bible)
New York Deli Rye Bread (also from Reinhart's Bread Baker's Apprentice)
Then there was the stuffed French toast, using the challah. Yum! We never did quite get around to making the biscuits and sausage gravy.
Good times, good memories and good food. A perfect wrap-up for the holidays.
Hello and Happy New Year!

I tried three formulas from Bread by Mr. Hamelman, for the end of 2010.
This was a relaxing, enjoyable time in the kitchen, time I was grateful for as the year drew to a close. - from breadsong
Roasted Garlic Levain
Sourdough Rye With Walnuts

Pain au Levain with Whole-Wheat Flour
I think I will have to attempt some of them...
My last loaf of 2010 was Pain au Levain
Happy baking in 2011!
My last bread of 2010 was San Francisco Country Sourdough, seeded baguettes and a batard.
It was good.
WW Blueberry, Macadamia, Coconut for breakfast and a Sourdough loaf for sandwiches.
My last bake for the year was a Hamelman Pain au Levain with extra rye. Baked boldly then cubed for a classic cheese fondue on New Years day. The family enjoyed this wonderful dipping of hearty bread in a trio of soft cheeses as the cold winter wind blew hard outside. A simple and reliable recipe that is just what I needed following a long Holiday season.
Last year I promised myself as a sort of resolution, to learn how to bake rye breads. After a year of increased attention to rye, I'm better but not comfortable yet in the various combination's of ingredients and baking methods. Therefore, I renew my intention to further my skills in using what is in my mind the most delicious and flavorful grain I have used. More rye breads for 2011 !!! Happy New Year!
I was so happy with the outcome I spent NYD making a second batch.
I decided to make another loaf the next day and used the same dough to make some buns with apple, raisin & cinnamon filling.
This is the fist time that I'm am totatally happy with what I've made. Very encouraging for me!!
Happy New Year to all the members on TFL.
No crumb shot as they were made as gifts
Looking at some of those makes my last of the year projects look pedestrian at best.
Made a potato pullman loaf, one of our two basic sandwich breads, and a batch of Bavarian-style pretzels, using Eric Kastel's recipe and technique.