A counterintuitive idea, perhaps, but one put forth by a correspondent who takes his baking, cooking and eating extremely seriously. We know that the taste of a sourdough loaf will improve for a few days or more after baking, but what happens to bread when it is frozen, and does it, in fact, improve the flavor? Technical information in particular would be of interest.
I have noticed that the sourness of a sourdough loaf, particularly whole wheat SD breads, seems to be stronger after freezing. Dunno if that qualifies as better.
Yes, that is what I have found as well. The taste is more pronounced after freezing. Not more sour, but the taste of different ingredients and other flavor substances.
Freezing, as i have noticed, does concentrate the flavors, or intensify them, enhancing them in a way once a bread thaws.
for these replies. Maybe the science behind the observed effect has to do with water content in some way. In any event, it's reassuring to know that frozen bread will be about as good, if different, from fresh.