I wrote web-application to pick/compare recipes, calculate hydrations and percentages, perform conversions.
You can now compare foreign recipes to American recipes, convert, etc. I have a couple examples from TheFreshLoaf.
1. Walnut Raisin Sourdough Bread from SFBI Artisan II - Walnut Raisin Bread Baking Calculator Results
2. Erics Fav Rye - Rye Baking Calculator Results
The results answer some of the questions asked by posters.
All results were generated by the baking calculator
A short guide How to Pick a Recipe talks about how the baking calculator works.
great loaves,
That's something that I need all the time - I convert everything to metric, except for teaspoons or some liquid measures. It's helpful to convert a whole recipe, not only separate units.
Thanks for sharing,
This is a great Christmas gift...I LOVE your baking calculator..a million thanks...
Hope you have a very Happy, Healthy New Year.