I am looking for the french type powdered starter 'Lalvain du jour pain de campagne' (LA 2).
King Arthur used to sell it but they don't carry it anymore. They have another french starter, LA 4, which produces a stronger, San Francisco type flavor. Can someone tell me where can I buy the milder LA 2 starter?
Thank you, Moehound. I checked the site you mentioned and all the starters that they have need to be fed regularly and maintained as wet starters.
I am looking for the dry, ready to use starter that contains yeast as well as bacteria, the kind that does not have to be fed regularly to maintain. I came across this starter in The Bread Bible by Rose Lavy Beranbaum. You just add 1/2 tsp of it when you are making the dough.
Please, if someone knows a sourse, let me know.
All mine came from King Arthur...now I'm wondering how much I have left!!