Sourdough Starter and Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day


Has any one tried to use Sourdough starter to make the Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day. My wife is doing Team in Training and I want to be able to bake 10 to 20 loafs a weekend to sell. I was trying to stream line some of the process and having dough already to be formed and baked in less then an hour each night as apposed to the current Norwich is taking me 5 hours to prep and 1 hour to cook.


The other thing I am now sure of is how much time the dough need to sit in a proofing basket. Right now I have 3 small and 2 big but want to use about 550 grams in the small baskets. I am just trying to see where in the process I can save time when a lack of equipment comes into play.

Are you sure you are ready to attempt to start selling bread? You might want to think about it before you jump. Having seen your past posts it is apparent that you are a new at baking bread and have had a lot of problems. This is understandable for a new baker, but your questions would lead one to believe that you have little training and "book work".

Now, having had marginal success in the loaves you have tried you want to know how to hurry up the process so you can go retail.

Trust me, the commercial baking companies are light years ahead of you in "streamling" and the lack of quality on their products is the reason why forums like this exist.
You cannot expect to do any better than they.

Although I wish you luck, I am doubtful that you will be successful if you follow this path.



I have baked 4 loads already this weekend. I have been enjoying prepping one night and baking the next. If I can get a batch of 4 down I can make it repeatable. Thanks for the gut check buts see how 8 loaves in a weekend work.