I am using the "No-Knead Bread" recipe from the NYT video page. After the 2-hour 2nd rise period the dough was sticking to the parchment paper.
- How much flour should I use to make the loaves dry enough so they can be handled??
- Or did I just answer my own question?
- Or perhaps I added too much water? I used 13 ozs of water for 15 ozs. of flour.
- Or maybe I shouldn't use parchment paper? Maybe a flax cloth? But wouldn't the dough stick to that as well? But is that ok since it's just flax - a natural food?
Thanks in advance,
-ld (from Ecc. 9:1-4)
Place the dough and the parchment into your preheated pot, cover, and bake on. Then enjoy.
An easier way to do it is to cut the parchment into wide strips, then place them criss-crossed in a bowl. The dough goes on top and when the proofing time is over, you'll have handles (the ends of the parchment) to lift and place it all into the preheated pot.
Parchment releases with heat, so you'll have no issues when the bread is baked.
Your idea seems perfect since i like using parchment. (FYI: CI doesn't mention this and they spray it with oil! - which I will avoid since "Parchment releases with heat, ...".)
A follow-up question: since I use a cloche exclusively, won't the paper destroy any flavoring (does the cloche, well used add flavoring??) between the cloche and the dough/bread? If not I'll use parchment from now on. (In the past I have had problems adding too much extra external flour and kept getting white streaks in the finished product.)
Thanks for the help!
[quote]does the cloche, well used add flavoring??[/quote]
No. The cloche is about impressing some shape on the dough and producing a crispy and well colored crust. The flavor is (or should be:-) already in the dough.
[quote]I'll use parchment from now on[/quote]
Yes! If in doubt, use more parchment paper. Parchment is the duct tape of the bread world:-) [Sometimes it's a bit difficult to even imagine how folks made bread at all before parchment paper was invented.]
isn't like wax paper. It doesn't release until it is heated. Pam
It describes my baking experiences perfectly!!
To ronhol: it's Al Bundy from the TV show "Married, with children." It's now available on NETFLIX (subscription) and it may also be available on HULU (no subscription). There also may be clips on YouTube. The first 3 or 4 years are hilarious. After that the show stops being funny b/c one of the main characters left. And your reply is the exact reason why I chose it. :)
However, my last loafs were rather successful. I finally realized how to _bake_ the bread. I was under cooking it so the dough never realy finished cooking. The bland (see my post "No-Taste Bread") flavor was due to this single fact.
Basically: 30 mins at 450 covered and then 20 (30? I'm now trying to get it perfect) mins at 450 uncovered. I only use a cloche (for now :). See links for lastest "twins."
To Chuck: parchment paper it is. I was scraping wet, sticky dough off of the parchment paper into the 500+ degree cloches (yes, I baked two loaves at once) and praying to God that things turned out ok ... take a look:
~ The Latest Pair of "Twins" ~
The bread "crackled" when it came out of the oven, when I cut into it, and when I bit into it. The flavor? My best ever if not excellent.
-joe (Ecc. 9:1-4)