I just cleaned out my refrigerator and counted 8 jars of starter. Do I win? The interesting thing is that as I discard some prior to refreshing, they all have a different characterisitc smell and they also have distinct behaviours in baking.
I have one labeled "Basement" that I grew at my office( which is in a basement). That has proven to be a rather fast acting culture that usually needs feeding often if kept at room temp and can fizzle out before the dough is risen properly and it definitely won't go for a prolonged rise. Great for biscuits and pancakes. Wonderful flavor.
Then I have one labelled "Knott" after the gal that shared her 70 year old sourdough culture with me. It smells like a fine wine-what a bouquet! It is a consistent performer and I cherish that one.
I just acquired one from my brother in law that I had originally given him from "Knott" but it is radically different a year later! He feeds his strictly on organic whole wheat and his bread is as sour as can be! SHows how the feeding and rising can affect the outcome.He rises his for 12-24 hours sometimes in a very cool house. My bread made with "Knott" is sweet and not at all sour-much shorter rise times in a warmer house.
I usually just feed my starters AP flour as the cheapest alternative but will build a rye sour if I anticipate making a rye bread.I do have a whole wheat culture going but only half heartedly-it aches to use my home-ground wheat but it aches a lot less since I started keeping smaller cultures.
Actually I had 11 jars of starter but 3 were buried in the way back for who knows how long and were unrecognizable, anylonger.Not salvageable without a body count, probably-tossed in the garbage.
So now I have a bowl full of discard that looks just right for pancakes! The rest have had their "cages" cleaned and they have been fed. Some will get an additional feeding tonight before going back in the fridge.Mr. Basement will probably get 2 feedings-he is a hungry one.
I am always amazed at the distinct characteristics of every culture I've grown and baked with. It is such fun!
What would you like to win? You win my respect for keeping track of so many and cleaning out their cages! Raise the "Feed the Wee Beasties!" banner.
You're crazy! :)
Yup you win!!! I did something similar a while back and had a few to many starters going. One day I did some side by side baking. Like you the starters had their own personalities. I found that after baking identical breads using the different starters once baked I could not tell the difference. Perhaps my pallet is not that refined. That is when I took it down to three starters white,WW,rye... that's it.
It was difficult letting the other starters go...but it had to be done. Felt like the end of Old Yeller.
How big is your reefer? Sometimes I need to sacrifice some starter so that we can get groceries in there...that's what I need...a second reefer Hmmm (or I could get rid of the people that need to eat)...hmmm not practical. Pam