Guinness is not just for drinking


I have been making sourdough boules for the last three weeks and have not liked my results and needed a change.  So I made a sourdough boule today and this beer bread, I have made this bread in the past from a recipe by Paul Hollywood, enjoyed it but found it lacking.  Thanks to the information on this site and my homebrew buddy giving me some grain I came up with something i really like.  I hope i can recreate it later this week(I started the bread last night when the Guinness was just for drinking)  Here are some pics.|url@src#Photo on 2010-10-03 at 22.39.jpgPhoto on 2010-10-03 at 22.38.jpg

I made this bread last week with pumpernickel flour & sourdough starter without yeast.  I am just eating the last of it. It has been absolutely delicious both with cheese  and toasted, with honey. Highly recommended! The recipe is availabe at this site using the 'search' box. Patsy


I have beenb baking with Guinness for years,,, but it has never come out as dark as the one you show.... ?? qahtan

It looks dense and heavy, was it??

I'm glad there is some use for guiness beer.. lol.  BTW, it's also delicious when slow cooking a corned beef :)