A huge thank you to Norm and Stan for the NY Bakery testing experience

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We've reached the end of the test baking experience for Norm Berg and Stan Ginsberg's NY Bakery Cookbook.  I've found it a highly rewarding experience.  It's stretched me in many ways (skills and waistline).  I have never been very disciplined about following recipes so that in itself was worthwhile.  I certainly gained respect for how challenging it must be to write a cookbook--particularly a baking book with all its variables. 

For me the highlights were the chocolate roll, Polish potato bread, and sourdough challah.  I saw photos of many other creations other test bakers made that looked fantastic. I can't wait to purchase copies of the book.  (Great gift along with a plate of sour cream spritz cookies!). 

Anyway, Norm and Stan--thank you for putting together this book and organizing this testing experience.  I wish you tremendous success with the publication. Please keep us posted on your progress.

And to my fellow testers, what did you take away from this experience?



Jumping the gun a bit.

I too have/am enjoying this but according to the schedule I received at the start, there are 2 more recipes to go.

Maybe we should start a bakers challenge. Or maybe Stan and Norm will consider extending the cycle/rotating the recipes. I have seen several that I really wanted to try (cornbrot/elephant ears).

How bout it Stan... Norm...

Regardless, I for one will be looking forward to this book and feel like I have helped make it better.


Oh dear! Thanks Allan.  I had a "we've reached the end of cycle 2" and then a recipe for "a special treat" and I thought that was the special surprise that Stan had talked about concluding with.   I was thinking it a little odd there was no real closure---which is why I felt compelled to at least say thanks.

As to your suggestions that we start another baker's challenge--I'm all for it. 

Apologies for the confusion. 

I made a number of recipes I never would have made if they had not been "assigned," and learned many new techniques. I also got to make new (and better) versions of some things I had made before.

Some of the recipes I made I'll definitely be making many more times. 

Now, I'm eagerly awaiting publication. Others got to make products I really want to bake after seeing how wonderful they look.

So, thanks, Norm and Stan!


Great idea bnom! I too will miss the fantastic time I've had testing these recipes this summer. As a fairly new baker (only into this for about 3 years) I have had a wonderful time trying these recipes and making things I never thought I'd have the capability to do. I will especially miss the camraderie among the test bakers. I feel I've gotten to know some of the "Fresh Loafers" much better through this experience and even visted via PM with some of them. I would love to continue to keep the group going. Anyone who can come up with an idea on how we can do this?

We definitely need another round of testing to work out all the bugs (in the tester!)

It has been fun and educational. As David Snyder says, it got me to make things I would have never made otherwise and to learn new techniques. That was why I joined and it was a rousing success from my perspective! 

But I do think my trainer will be glad to see me cut back on cookies and sugared things and even on my bread intake!


I had so much fun with this project. A great motivator to bake on a weekly basis. My favorite (though perhaps the easiest) was the apple cake. Can't wait to make it for my family.

Like David, I also enjoyed making things I would not necessarily be drawn to make - perhaps because they seemed daunting, or perhaps because I didn't have the occasion.

I also realised how much I like photographing everything I make.

Who's offering the next project?!




Ok. I did not receive the final suprise recipe yesterday. Did anyone get theirs yet? Thanks.

I got an e-mail yesterday and in in Stan said he was confirming ingredients, etc and that the final surprise recipe should reach us in a few days.


Any idea on the time frame for the release of the book?   Planning on having it on Amazon?

i was very happy to be a part of the njb expereience. these  were great recipes & a lot of fun ( & frustration) to make
