oh boy, wish me luck.........

Ok I am a bread machine kind of girl. I use it for my kneading. Then I let rise on my own and shape myself and bake in the oven. I have gotten pretty good (meaning I dont get bread bricks anymore, rather something edible and even delicious most of the time) So all the rave reviews on the buttermilk cluster made me decide I should attempt it. The recipe looked a bit large for my bread machine, but what the heck, lets give it a go. It was, in fact, too much dough for my machine. OMG what to do now????????? For the first time in my life, I just hand kneeded some bread. I kow how to do it, I just never have felt the desire to. Man what a work out! So my bread in on its first rise, my hands are a bit sore and I am crossing my fingers. Lets hope we dont get buttermilk bricks for dinner!
to update, the bread did not turn out well. It was way too dense. The flavor was good, but the bread was just the wrong consistancy. It is currently in the oven being turned into bread pudding. eh, better luck next time :) April The Bread Machiene Queen ;-)
Hi April I figured as much when you said what a work out also that your hands were sore.:-(((( If your dough is correct the kneading should be quite easy, as one gets into a rhythm (sp,) It sounds by all that you have said that your dough was to dry/firm. :-((( This applies to ordinary bread dough. It should feel like a soft putty, smooth and easy to knead.:-)))qahtan
I was kind of figuring the dough was too dry when I was kneading it too. I doubted my instinct to add more hydration because I am used to what it should look like in the bread machine, not how it should feel while I knead it. It did make tasty bread pudding though :) At least I got to eat it some way :) April The Bread Macheine Queen ;-)