Does anyone have an erratum for Leader's Vollkornbrot formula? The one in the book makes no sense. The sourdough is 312 grams when you make it, but 400 grams on the next page, when you add it to the final dough. The rye berry soaker is 300 grams when you make it, but 125 grams when you add it to the dough. Huh?
There is an old thread here with a list of Leaders errors. Don't know if this particular one is listed. I'll try to relocate in a search. I just came across it a day or two ago.
Thank you!
page 293 Local Breads by Dan Leader (These are my changes)
Metric weight
RYE SOURDOUGH: German rye sourdough 100g ... Water 150g ... Rye flour 150g
Page 294 Soaked rye berries 300g
Thank you!