After three days of hiking we made it to Hance Rapids and a very nice camp. Several hours later rafting party arrived and being as cold and tired as we were asked to share the spot. Later that night I met Charlie a truly dedicated baker (and rafter) who was floating the river and had his sourdough culture with him. While everyone at the TFL is dedicated to the craft Charlie goes above and beyond. Seems he was attempting to bake bread in a Dutch Oven and the weather was terrible, very cold and wet for several days so Charlie was sleeping with a gallon bag of starter trying to keep it alive. After comparing notes I promised to wait two weeks and then post, hopefully Charlie has made it back to Vermont and will reply. I would also like to thank his party for hooking up two very cold backpackers, you guys were great!
Wutan Finder Of The Path
Great story. Hope to hear the outcome.
I'd like to know how he has the time to let it proof while doing this and how the sourdough is doing with those conditions? How'd his bread come out?
I hope he posts on here! Love to hear about it! Reminds me of sourdough back in the wagon train days.