Final Dough Weight


Good Morning All

This may be a silly question but, when calculating the final dough weight do you just use the weight of flour and water or do you include all the other ingredients, such as yeast, salt, oil etc?

Many thanks


The final loaves after baking generally approximate 92%-93% of the pre-bake dough weight.  So a 2lb target loaf would need about 2.2lbs of dough. 

Hello everyone!

Hello Firstfloor front.

If you are just doing a couple of loaves,  it will be fine to Just total the amounts of the ingredients up.

Commercially, and, if you are doing a batch of say, a batch of 36 hot cross buns.  It would be a good idea to add a bit on for "process loss", 2-5 % say.  look at my recipe for Scotch baps to see what I mean.


Andrew  S.